Numbers 14:33

33 And youre childern shall wadre in this wildernesse .xl. yeres and suffre for youre whoredome vntill your carkasses be wasted in the wildernesse

Images for Numbers 14:33

Numbers 14:33 Meaning and Commentary

Numbers 14:33

And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years,
&c.] Or "feed" F2, as shepherds, who go from place to place, and seek fresh pasture for their sheep; it being the custom of a shepherd, as Aben Ezra observes, not to stand or rest in a place; and so like sheep grazing in a wilderness, where they have short commons, and wander about in search, of better. These forty years are to be reckoned from their coming out of Egypt, from whence they had now been come about a year and a half: and bear your whoredoms;
the punishment of their idolatries, which are frequently signified by this phrase, and particularly of the idolatry of the calf, which God threatened to punish whenever he visited for sin, ( Exodus 32:34 ) ; and of other sins, as their murmurings for it was on account of them their children wandered so long in the wilderness, and were kept out of the possession of the land of Canaan: until your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness;
everyone of them be consumed by death, save those before excepted, ( Numbers 14:30 ) .


F2 (Myer wyhy) "erunt pascentes", Pagninus, Montanus, Drusius, Junius & Tremellius; "pascent", Tigurine version, Piscator.

Numbers 14:33 In-Context

31 And youre childern whiche ye sayed shuld be a praye the I will bringe in and they shall knowe the londe which ye haue refused
32 and youre carkesses shall lye in this wildernesse
33 And youre childern shall wadre in this wildernesse .xl. yeres and suffre for youre whoredome vntill your carkasses be wasted in the wildernesse
34 after the numbre of the dayes in which ye serched out yt londe .xl. dayes and euery daye a yere: so that they shall bere your vnrightuousnes .xl. yere and ye shall fele my vengeaunce
35 I the Lorde haue sayed yt I will do it vnto all this euell congregacion yt are gathered together agenst me: euen in thys wildernesse ye shalbe consumed and here ye shall dye.
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