And they cam over to the other syde of ye see in to the coutre of ye Gaderenites.
And when he was come out of ye shippe there met him out of the graves a man possessyd of an vncleane sprete
which had his abydinge amoge the graves. And no man coulde bynde him: no not with cheynes
because that when he was often bounde wt fetters and cheynes he plucked ye chaynes asundre and brake the fetters in peaces. Nether coulde eny man tame him.
And alwayes bothe nyght and daye he cryed in ye moutaynes and in ye graves and bet himsilfe wt stones.
When he had spied Iesus afarre of he rane and worshipped him
and cryed wt a lowde voyce and sayde: what have I to do wt the Iesus ye sonne of the moost hyest God? I requyre ye in the name of God yt thou tormet me not.
For he had sayd vnto hym: come out of the man thou fowle sprete.
And he axed him: what is thy name? And he answered sayinge: my name is Legion for we are many.
And he prayd him instantly that he wolde not sende the awaye out of the countre.
And ther was there nye vnto ye moutayns a greate heerd of swyne fedinge
and all the devyls besought him sayinge: sende vs into the heerde of swyne yt we maye enter in to them.
And anone Iesus gave them leave. And the vnclene spretes wet out and entred into ye swyne. And the heerd starteled and ran hedling into the see. They were about .ii.M. swyne and they were drouned in the see.
And the swyne heerdes fleed and tolde it in ye cyte and in the countre. And they came out for to se what had hapened:
and came to Iesus and sawe hym that was vexed wt the fende and had the legio syt both clothed and in his right mynde and were afrayed.
And they that sawe it tolde them how it had happened vnto him that was possessed with the devyll: and also of the swyne.
And they begane to praye him that he wolde departe fro their coostes.
And when he was come in to the shyppe he that had ye devyll prayed him that he myght be with him.
Howbeit Iesus wolde not suffre him but sayde vnto him: goo home in to thyne awne housse and to thy frendes and shewe the what great thinges ye Lorde hath done vnto the and how he had copassion on the.
And he departed and begane to publisshe in ye ten cyties what greate thinges Iesus had done vnto him and all me dyd merveyle.