And kynge Herode herde of him (for his name was spreed abroade) and sayd: Iohn Baptiste is rysen agayne from deeth and therfore miracles are wrought by him.
Wother sayd it is Helyas: and some sayde: it is a Prophet or as one of ye Prophetes.
But when Herode hearde of him he sayd: it is Iohn whom I beheded he is rysen from deeth agayne.
For Herode him sylfe had sent forth and had taken Iohn and bounde him and cast him into preson for Herodias sake which was his brother Philippes wyfe. For he had maried her.
Iohn sayd vnto Herode: It is not laufull for the to have thy brothers wyfe.
Herodias layd wayte for him and wolde have killed him but she coulde not.
For Herode feared Iohn knowynge yt he was a iuste man and an holy: and gave him reverence: and when he hearde him he dyd many thinges and hearde him gladly.
But when a couenient daye was come: Herode on his birth daye made a supper to ye lordes captayns and chefe estates of Galile.
And ye doughter of ye sayde Herodias came in and daused and pleased Herode and them that sate at bourde also. Then ye kynge sayd vnto ye mayden: axe of me what thou wilt and I will geve it ye
And he sware vnto hyr whatsoever thou shalt axe of me I will geve it ye even vnto ye one halfe of my kyngdome.
And she wet forth and sayde to her mother: what shall I axe? And she sayde: Iohn Baptistes heed.
And she cam in streygth waye with haste vnto ye kynge and axed sayinge: I will that thou geve me by and by in a charger ye heed of Iohn Baptist.
And ye kynge was sory: howbe it for his othes sake and for their sakes which sate at supper also he wolde not put her besyde her purpose.
And immediatly ye kynge sent ye hangma and comaunded his heed to be brought in. And he went and beheeded him in the preson
and brought his heed in a charger and gave it to the mayden and the mayden gave it to her mother.
And when his disciples hearde of it they came and toke vp his body and put it in a toumbe.