And he overlaid the cherubim with gold. ] Which may denote the purity and excellency of angels; or the precious gifts and graces of the Spirit, with which the witnesses of Christ are adorned.
id est altitudinem habebat unus cherub decem cubitorum et similiter cherub secundus
posuitque cherubin in medio templi interioris extendebant autem alas suas cherubin et tangebat ala una parietem et ala cherub secundi tangebat parietem alterum alae autem alterae in media parte templi se invicem contingebant
et omnes parietes templi per circuitum scalpsit variis celaturis et torno et fecit in eis cherubin et palmas et picturas varias quasi prominentes de pariete et egredientes
sed et pavimentum domus texit auro intrinsecus et extrinsecus