2 Samuel 15:3

3 respondebatque ei Absalom videntur mihi sermones tui boni et iusti sed non est qui te audiat constitutus a rege dicebatque Absalom

2 Samuel 15:3 Meaning and Commentary

2 Samuel 15:3

And Absalom said unto him
After some further talk, and finding he had a suit at law to bring on, and either seeing it drawn up in writing, or hearing his account of it, at once declared, without hearing the other party:

see, thy matters [are] good and right;
thy cause is a good cause, and if it could be heard by proper persons there is no doubt but things would go on thy side, and thou wouldest carry thy cause:

but [there is] no man [deputed] of the king to hear thee;
the king is grown old himself and his sons are negligent, and do not attend to business, and there are none besides them appointed to hear causes; and he suggested, as appears by what follows, that he was not in commission, but if he was, or should he appointed a judge, he would attend to business, and people should not go away after this manner, without having justice administered unto them,

2 Samuel 15:3 In-Context

1 igitur post haec fecit sibi Absalom currum et equites et quinquaginta viros qui praecederent eum
2 et mane consurgens Absalom stabat iuxta introitum portae et omnem virum qui habebat negotium ut veniret ad regis iudicium vocabat Absalom ad se et dicebat de qua civitate es tu qui respondens aiebat ex una tribu Israhel ego sum servus tuus
3 respondebatque ei Absalom videntur mihi sermones tui boni et iusti sed non est qui te audiat constitutus a rege dicebatque Absalom
4 quis me constituat iudicem super terram ut ad me veniant omnes qui habent negotium et iuste iudicem
5 sed et cum accederet ad eum homo ut salutaret illum extendebat manum suam et adprehendens osculabatur eum
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.

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