3 John 1:8

8 nos ergo debemus suscipere huiusmodi ut cooperatores simus veritatis

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3 John 1:8 Meaning and Commentary

3 John 1:8

We therefore ought to receive such
We who are Jews, that have believed in Christ, for such an one Gaius, it seems, as well, as the apostle, were, ought to receive such preachers of the word into our houses, and entertain them cheerfully, while they continue, and supply them with all necessaries when they depart:

that we might be fellow helpers to the truth;
that is, to the Gospel, and the propagation of it in the world: some are helpers to it, in preaching of it, by making use of the ministerial gifts bestowed upon them; and others are fellow helpers with them, to the same good work, by their purses, communicating freely to the support of those, who labour in the word and doctrine; and these latter have the honour to be co-workers, or fellow labourers with the former, as the word here used signifies. The Alexandrian copy reads, "fellow helpers to the church", that so the whole burden of taking care of these ministers might not lie upon them. The Vulgate Latin, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions read, "fellow helpers of the truth".

3 John 1:8 In-Context

6 qui testimonium reddiderunt caritati tuae in conspectu ecclesiae quos bene facies deducens digne Deo
7 pro nomine enim profecti sunt nihil accipientes a gentibus
8 nos ergo debemus suscipere huiusmodi ut cooperatores simus veritatis
9 scripsissem forsitan ecclesiae sed is qui amat primatum gerere in eis Diotrepes non recipit nos
10 propter hoc si venero commoneam eius opera quae facit verbis malignis garriens in nos et quasi non ei ista sufficiant nec ipse suscipit fratres et eos qui cupiunt prohibet et de ecclesia eicit
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.