Exodus 25:39

39 omne pondus candelabri cum universis vasis suis habebit talentum auri mundissimi

Exodus 25:39 Meaning and Commentary

Exodus 25:39

Of a talent of pure gold shall he make it, with all these
] The common talent weighed sixty pounds, but the sacred talent was double, and weighed one hundred and twenty pounds, as says Jarchi, and so Ben Melech: a talent of gold amounted to 5067 pounds, three shillings and ten pence of our money, according to Bishop Cumberland F4.

(Assuming a troy weight of 12 ounces to a pound, and an ounce of gold worth $400 U.S., than a talent would be worth about $600,000. Editor.)


F4 Of Scripture Weights and Measures, p. 121.

Exodus 25:39 In-Context

37 facies et lucernas septem et pones eas super candelabrum ut luceant ex adverso
38 emunctoria quoque et ubi quae emuncta sunt extinguantur fient de auro purissimo
39 omne pondus candelabri cum universis vasis suis habebit talentum auri mundissimi
40 inspice et fac secundum exemplar quod tibi in monte monstratum est
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