Hebrews 3:1

1 unde fratres sancti vocationis caelestis participes considerate apostolum et pontificem confessionis nostrae Iesum

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Hebrews 3:1 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 3:1

Wherefore, holy brethren
The apostle calls the Hebrews "brethren", not because they were of the same natural stock and lineage, but because they were in the same spiritual relation; they all had the same Father, belonged to the same family, were the adopted sons of God, the brethren of Christ, of one another, and of the apostle; and they were "holy", not by birth, nor by their external separation from other nations, but through sanctification of the Spirit; and they were so by profession, and in the opinion of the apostle:

partakers of the heavenly calling;
by which is meant not any business, or employment of life; nor a call to any office in church or state; nor a mere external call by the ministry of the word; but an internal special call of grace, to the enjoyment of the blessings of grace here, and to glory hereafter; and which is not according, to works, but according to the grace of God, and is by powerful, efficacious, and irresistible grace: and this is said to be "heavenly", because the grace by which the saints are called is from heaven, and it is to heaven they are called; and the means of their calling, the Gospel, is from heaven; and this epistle epithet is used to show the excellency of their calling, and to distinguish it from all others: and this the Hebrews are said to be "partakers of"; which shows, that God had not utterly cast off that people, and yet that they were not the only persons that enjoyed the grace of the effectual calling, they were but partners with others; and that the saints are alike sharers in this blessing, they are called in one hope of their calling; and it denotes the truth and reality of it: the duty they are exhorted to is,

to consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ
the Alexandrian copy, the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic versions, read, only "Jesus"; who is called "the apostle", because he was sent of God to preach the Gospel, work miracles, and do the will of God, particularly to obtain redemption and salvation for his people, which mission does not suppose any inequality of persons, or change of place, or any compulsion or disrespect to Christ, but love to men; and is to be understood of him as in office as Mediator, and shows his authority, and that he was no impostor. The high priest among the Jews was, on the day of atonement, considered as (xylv) , "an apostle", or "messenger" F19; for so the elders of the sanhedrim address him on that day, saying,

``Lord high priest, we are the messengers of the sanhedrim, and thou art (wnyxwlv) , "our apostle", or "messenger", and the messenger of the sanhedrim.''

And it follows here, and "the high priest of our profession"; which may be understood either objectively, whom they professed, both by words or deeds; for a profession of him should be public, visible, and sincere; or efficiently, he being the author, sum, and substance of the religion, faith, and Gospel which was professed by them: and he is to be "considered" in the greatness and dignity of his person, as the Son of God; and in his wondrous grace and love in assuming human nature, and dying for his people; and in the relations he stands in to them as a Father, husband, brother, friend; and in his several offices, as Mediator, and particularly as sent of God, to be the Saviour of sinners; and as the high priest, who has offered himself a sacrifice, and ever lives to make intercession; and all this to encourage the saints to hold fast their profession of him.


F19 Misn. Yoma, c. 1. sect. 5.

Hebrews 3:1 In-Context

1 unde fratres sancti vocationis caelestis participes considerate apostolum et pontificem confessionis nostrae Iesum
2 qui fidelis est ei qui fecit illum sicut et Moses in omni domo illius
3 amplioris enim gloriae iste prae Mose dignus habitus est quanto ampliorem honorem habet domus qui fabricavit illam
4 omnis namque domus fabricatur ab aliquo qui autem omnia creavit Deus
5 et Moses quidem fidelis erat in tota domo eius tamquam famulus in testimonium eorum quae dicenda erant
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.