Hebrews 9:24

24 non enim in manufactis sanctis Iesus introiit exemplaria verorum sed in ipsum caelum ut appareat nunc vultui Dei pro nobis

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Hebrews 9:24 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 9:24

For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with
The most holy place in the tabernacle of Moses, or in the temple built by Solomon, and rebuilt by Zerubbabel, and repaired by Herod,

which are the figures of the true;
that is, the most holy place in the tabernacle and temple, was a figure of the truth of that type; see ( Hebrews 9:9 ) as follows. Josephus F13 suggests the same, when speaking of the most holy place; he says, that it was inaccessible to the priests, that it might be as heaven to God.

But into heaven itself;
not the visible heavens, the airy and starry ones, through which he passed, but the third heaven, the habitation of God, angels, and glorified saints: this shows that heaven is a place; that Christ, as man, was out of it when on earth; and that at his ascension he entered into it, having done the work he came about, and that with acceptance: the end of his entrance was

now to appear in the presence of God for us;
Christ, as God, was always in his presence, from everlasting; as Mediator, he was with him in the council of peace; while he was here on earth his Father was with him, he was not alone; but now in his human nature he is at his right hand, where he appears before him, as a favourite before his Prince, on the behalf of another, or as an advocate on the behalf of his client: Christ appears in the court of heaven for his elect, by representing their persons; by presenting himself, his blood, sacrifice, and righteousness, before God on their account; by introducing them into the presence of God, and offering up their prayers with the incense of his mediation; by presenting them to himself, and to his Father, and obtaining every blessing for them. And this he does "now", since his entrance; not that he did not appear before God for the saints of the Old Testament, for he was the angel of God's presence then, though he did not appear then in the manner he does now, as the Lamb in the midst of the throne, as if it had been slain; but it denotes the continuance and perpetuity of his appearance for his people; he is ever interceding for them.


F13 Antiqu. l. 3. c. 5. sect. 4. & c. 7. sect. 8.

Hebrews 9:24 In-Context

22 et omnia paene in sanguine mundantur secundum legem et sine sanguinis fusione non fit remissio
23 necesse est ergo exemplaria quidem caelestium his mundari ipsa autem caelestia melioribus hostiis quam istis
24 non enim in manufactis sanctis Iesus introiit exemplaria verorum sed in ipsum caelum ut appareat nunc vultui Dei pro nobis
25 neque ut saepe offerat semet ipsum quemadmodum pontifex intrat in sancta per singulos annos in sanguine alieno
26 alioquin oportebat eum frequenter pati ab origine mundi nunc autem semel in consummatione saeculorum ad destitutionem peccati per hostiam suam apparuit
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.