James 3:2

2 in multis enim offendimus omnes si quis in verbo non offendit hic perfectus est vir potens etiam freno circumducere totum corpus

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James 3:2 Meaning and Commentary

James 3:2

For in many things we offend all
Or "we all offend", slip and fall; no man lives without sin; in many, in most, if not in all things, a good man himself does, he sins; and this extends to the most solemn services, and best works of a good man; there is sin in his holy things, imperfections in all his performances; his righteousnesses are as filthy rags; hence no man can be justified by his works before God, nor is any man perfect in this life, so as to be without sin in himself: the apostle includes himself in this account, and that not out of modesty merely, or in a complaisant way, but as matter of fact, and what he found in himself, and observed in the conduct of his life: and now this is given as a reason why persons should not be anxious of teaching others, since in many instances, in common speech and conversation, men are apt to offend, and much more in a work which requires a multitude of words; or why men should be careful how they charge, censure, and reprove others, in a rash, furious, and unchristian manner; since they themselves are in the body, and may be tempted, and are attended with many infirmities, slips, and falls in common life.

If any man offend not in word;
from slips and falls in general, the apostle proceeds to the slips of the tongue, and to the use and abuse of that member; and his sense is, that if a man has so much guard upon himself, and such a command over his tongue, and so much wisdom to use it, as to give no offence by it, to his fellow creatures, and fellow Christians:

the same is a perfect man;
not that he is perfect in himself, and without sin, that is denied before; unless this is considered as a mere hypothesis, and by way of concession; that could there be found out a man that never, for instance, offends in word in anyone part of life, that man may be allowed, and be set down to be a perfect man; but no such man is to be found, and therefore none perfect: but rather the sense is, that he who in common is so careful of his speech, as not to offend his brethren, may be looked upon as a sincere and truly religious man; See ( James 1:26 ) or he may be accounted a wise and prudent man, such an one as in ( James 3:13 ) he is not a babe in understanding, a child in conduct, but a grown man; at full age; a perfect man; in which sense the word is used in ( 1 Corinthians 2:6 ) ( Hebrews 5:14 ) .

And able also to bridle the whole body;
either to govern the whole body, the church, to teach a society of Christians, and to feed them with knowledge, and with understanding; or rather, as he appears to be able to bridle that member of the body, the tongue, so likewise to be able, through the grace of God, to keep under the whole body, that sin shall not reign in it, or the lusts of it be in common obeyed.

James 3:2 In-Context

1 nolite plures magistri fieri fratres mei scientes quoniam maius iudicium sumitis
2 in multis enim offendimus omnes si quis in verbo non offendit hic perfectus est vir potens etiam freno circumducere totum corpus
3 si autem equorum frenos in ora mittimus ad consentiendum nobis et omne corpus illorum circumferimus
4 ecce et naves cum magnae sint et a ventis validis minentur circumferuntur a modico gubernaculo ubi impetus dirigentis voluerit
5 ita et lingua modicum quidem membrum est et magna exultat ecce quantus ignis quam magnam silvam incendit
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