John 4:43

43 post duos autem dies exiit inde et abiit in Galilaeam

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John 4:43 Meaning and Commentary

John 4:43

Now after two days he departed thence
When he had stayed two days at Sychar conversing with, and discoursing to the Samaritans, which were the means of the conversion of many of them; he departed out of that country, and passed on his way:

and went into Galilee;
as he first intended; see ( John 4:3 ) .

John 4:43 In-Context

41 et multo plures crediderunt propter sermonem eius
42 et mulieri dicebant quia iam non propter tuam loquellam credimus ipsi enim audivimus et scimus quia hic est vere salvator mundi
43 post duos autem dies exiit inde et abiit in Galilaeam
44 ipse enim Iesus testimonium perhibuit quia propheta in sua patria honorem non habet
45 cum ergo venisset in Galilaeam exceperunt eum Galilaei cum omnia vidissent quae fecerat Hierosolymis in die festo et ipsi enim venerant in diem festum
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.