Joshua 8

1 dixit autem Dominus ad Iosue ne timeas neque formides tolle tecum omnem multitudinem pugnatorum et consurgens ascende in oppidum Ahi ecce tradidi in manu tua regem eius et populum urbemque et terram
2 faciesque urbi Ahi et regi eius sicut fecisti Hiericho et regi illius praedam vero et omnia animantia diripietis vobis pone insidias urbi post eam
3 surrexitque Iosue et omnis exercitus bellatorum cum eo ut ascenderent in Ahi et electa triginta milia virorum fortium misit nocte
4 praecepitque eis dicens ponite insidias post civitatem nec longius recedatis et eritis omnes parati
5 ego autem et reliqua multitudo quae mecum est accedemus ex adverso contra urbem cumque exierint contra nos sicut ante fecimus fugiemus et terga vertemus
6 donec persequentes ab urbe longius protrahantur putabunt enim fugere nos sicut prius
7 nobis ergo fugientibus et illis sequentibus consurgetis de insidiis et vastabitis civitatem tradetque eam Dominus Deus vester in manus vestras
8 cumque ceperitis succendite eam sic omnia facietis ut iussi
9 dimisitque eos et perrexerunt ad insidiarum locum sederuntque inter Bethel et Ahi ad occidentalem plagam urbis Ahi Iosue autem nocte illa in medio mansit populi
10 surgensque diluculo recensuit socios et ascendit cum senioribus in fronte exercitus vallatus auxilio pugnatorum
11 cumque venissent et ascendissent ex adverso civitatis steterunt ad septentrionalem urbis plagam inter quam et eos vallis media erat
12 quinque milia autem viros elegerat et posuerat in insidiis inter Bethaven et Ahi ex occidentali parte eiusdem civitatis
13 omnis vero reliquus exercitus ad aquilonem aciem dirigebat ita ut novissimi multitudinis occidentalem plagam urbis adtingerent abiit ergo Iosue nocte illa et stetit in vallis medio
14 quod cum vidisset rex Ahi festinavit mane et egressus est cum omni exercitu civitatis direxitque aciem contra desertum ignorans quod post tergum laterent insidiae
15 Iosue vero et omnis Israhel cesserunt loco simulantes metum et fugientes per viam solitudinis
16 at illi vociferantes pariter et se mutuo cohortantes persecuti sunt eos cumque recessissent a civitate
17 et ne unus quidem in urbe Ahi et Bethel remansisset qui non persequeretur Israhel sicut eruperant aperta oppida relinquentes
18 dixit Dominus ad Iosue leva clypeum qui in manu tua est contra urbem Ahi quoniam tibi tradam eam
19 cumque elevasset clypeum ex adverso civitatis insidiae quae latebant surrexerunt confestim et pergentes ad civitatem ceperunt et succenderunt eam
20 viri autem civitatis qui persequebantur Iosue respicientes et videntes fumum urbis ad caelum usque conscendere non potuerunt ultra huc illucque diffugere praesertim cum hii qui simulaverant fugam et tendebant ad solitudinem contra persequentes fortissime restitissent
21 vidensque Iosue et omnis Israhel quod capta esset civitas et fumus urbis ascenderet reversus percussit viros Ahi
22 siquidem et illi qui ceperant et succenderant civitatem egressi ex urbe contra suos medios hostium ferire coeperunt cum ergo ex utraque parte adversarii caederentur ita ut nullus de tanta multitudine salvaretur
23 regem quoque urbis Ahi adprehendere viventem et obtulerunt Iosue
24 igitur omnibus interfectis qui Israhelem ad deserta tendentem fuerant persecuti et in eodem loco gladio corruentibus reversi filii Israhel percusserunt civitatem
25 erant autem qui in eo die conciderant a viro usque ad mulierem duodecim milia hominum omnes urbis Ahi
26 Iosue vero non contraxit manum quam in sublime porrexerat tenens clypeum donec interficerentur omnes habitatores Ahi
27 iumenta autem et praedam civitatis diviserunt sibi filii Israhel sicut praeceperat Dominus Iosue
28 qui succendit urbem et fecit eam tumulum sempiternum
29 regem quoque eius suspendit in patibulo usque ad vesperum et solis occasum praecepitque et deposuerunt cadaver eius de cruce proieceruntque in ipso introitu civitatis congesto super eum magno acervo lapidum qui permanet usque in praesentem diem
30 tunc aedificavit Iosue altare Domino Deo Israhel in monte Hebal
31 sicut praeceperat Moses famulus Domini filiis Israhel et scriptum est in volumine legis Mosi altare de lapidibus inpolitis quos ferrum non tetigit et obtulit super eo holocausta Domino immolavitque pacificas victimas
32 et scripsit super lapides deuteronomium legis Mosi quod ille digesserat coram filiis Israhel
33 omnis autem populus et maiores natu ducesque ac iudices stabant ex utraque parte arcae in conspectu sacerdotum qui portabant arcam foederis Domini ut advena ita et indigena media eorum pars iuxta montem Garizim et media iuxta montem Hebal sicut praeceperat Moses famulus Domini et primum quidem benedixit populo Israhel
34 post haec legit omnia verba benedictionis et maledictionis et cuncta quae scripta erant in legis volumine
35 nihil ex his quae Moses iusserat reliquit intactum sed universa replicavit coram omni multitudine Israhel mulieribus ac parvulis et advenis qui inter eos morabantur

Joshua 8 Commentary

Chapter 8

God encourages Joshua. (1,2) The taking of Ai. (3-22) The destruction of Ai and its king. (23-29) The law read on Ebal and Gerizim. (30-35)

Verses 1-2 When we have faithfully put away sin, that accursed thing which separates between us and God, then, and not till then, we may look to hear from God to our comfort; and God's directing us how to go on in our Christian work and warfare, is a good evidence of his being reconciled to us. God encouraged Joshua to proceed. At Ai the spoil was not to be destroyed as at Jericho, therefore there was no danger of the people's committing such a trespass. Achan, who caught at forbidden spoil, lost that, and life, and all; but the rest of the people, who kept themselves from the accursed thing, were quickly rewarded for their obedience. The way to have the comfort of what God allows us, is, to keep from what he forbids us. No man shall lose by self-denial.

Verses 3-22 Observe Joshua's conduct and prudence. Those that would maintain their spiritual conflicts must not love their ease. Probably he went into the valley alone, to pray to God for a blessing, and he did not seek in vain. He never drew back till the work was done. Those that have stretched out their hands against their spiritual enemies, must never draw them back.

Verses 23-29 God, the righteous Judge, had sentenced the Canaanites for their wickedness; the Israelites only executed his doom. None of their conduct can be drawn into an example for others. Especial reason no doubt there was for this severity to the king of Ai; it is likely he had been notoriously wicked and vile, and a blasphemer of the God of Israel.

Verses 30-35 As soon as Joshua got to the mountains Ebal and Gerizim, without delay, and without caring for the unsettled state of Israel, or their enemies, he confirmed the covenant of the Lord with his people, as appointed, ( Deuteronomy 11 , Deuteronomy 27 ) . We must not think to defer covenanting with God till we are settled in the world; nor must any business put us from minding and pursuing the one thing needful. The way to prosper is to begin with God, ( Matthew 6:33 ) . They built an altar, and offered sacrifice to God, in token of their dedicating themselves to God, as living sacrifices to his honour, in and by a Mediator. By Christ's sacrifice of himself for us, we have peace with God. It is a great mercy to any people to have the law of God in writing, and it is fit that the written law should be in a known tongue, that it may be seen and read of all men.

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Chapter Summary


Joshua is encouraged to go up and take Ai, and is directed what method to make use of, Jos 8:1,2; accordingly he set an ambush on the west side of it, and, he and the rest of the army went up before it, Jos 8:3-13; which, when the king of Ai saw, he and all his forces came cut against them, and the Israelites making a feint as if they were beaten, drew on the men of Ai to pursue them, upon which the ambush arose and entered the city and set fire to it, Jos 8:14-19; the smoke of which being observed by Joshua and Israel, they turned back upon the pursuers, and the ambush sallying out of the city behind them, made an entire destruction of them, then slew all the inhabitants, took the spoil, burnt the city, and hanged the king of it, Jos 8:20-29; after this Joshua built an altar at Ebal, wrote the law on stones, and read the blessings and curses in it before all Israel, Jos 8:30-35.

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Joshua 8 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.
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