Luke 1:63

63 et postulans pugillarem scripsit dicens Iohannes est nomen eius et mirati sunt universi

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Luke 1:63 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 1:63

And he asked for a writing table
That is, he made signs for one, for as yet he could not speak. The Persic version renders it "ink", and the Ethiopic, a book, and the Vulgate Latin, a notebook. The word signifies "a little table", such as they used to write not only "upon", but "in"; and was sometimes of brass F20, sometimes of wood, and sometimes of wax F21, on which they wrote with a style or pen;

and wrote, saying, his name is John:
not that he must be, or shall be, so called; but this is his name, and no other; being what the angel had given him before his conception, and Zacharias now confirms:

and they marvelled all;
they were astonished, not so much at the new name brought into the family, as at the agreement between Elisabeth and Zacharias in this point, when the latter was both deaf and dumb; they knowing nothing, as yet, of the angel's message to him.


F20 Haryocration. Lex. p. 244.
F21 Alex. ab Alex. Genial. Dier. l. 2. c. 30.

Luke 1:63 In-Context

61 et dixerunt ad illam quia nemo est in cognatione tua qui vocetur hoc nomine
62 innuebant autem patri eius quem vellet vocari eum
63 et postulans pugillarem scripsit dicens Iohannes est nomen eius et mirati sunt universi
64 apertum est autem ilico os eius et lingua eius et loquebatur benedicens Deum
65 et factus est timor super omnes vicinos eorum et super omnia montana Iudaeae divulgabantur omnia verba haec
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.