Luke 14:18

18 et coeperunt simul omnes excusare primus dixit ei villam emi et necesse habeo exire et videre illam rogo te habe me excusatum

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Luke 14:18 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 14:18

And they all with one consent began to make excuse
Or, "they all together", as the Vulgate Latin version, (txab) , "in one", or "at once": in ( Jeremiah 10:8 ) rendered "altogether"; and so the Ethiopic version, which adds, "with one voice": but their words and language were not the same: their excuses are differently expressed. Some render (apo miav) , "from one hour": or the selfsame hour; immediately, directly, as soon as ever they were bidden, they began to frame excuses; they at once agreed, as by common consent, to excuse themselves from coming.

The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, or a
field, and I must needs go and see it:
he ought to have seen it before he bought it; and however, it was a very improper time, at evening, at supper time, as this was, to go and see a piece of ground; and at least it might have been put off till next morning; so that it was a mere excuse indeed.

I pray thee have me excused:
coming to the supper: these were the principal men among the Jews, the Pharisees and rulers among the people; who were rich and covetous, worldly men; seeking their own worldly advantage more than their spiritual and eternal welfare, or the interest of God and religion.

Luke 14:18 In-Context

16 at ipse dixit ei homo quidam fecit cenam magnam et vocavit multos
17 et misit servum suum hora cenae dicere invitatis ut venirent quia iam parata sunt omnia
18 et coeperunt simul omnes excusare primus dixit ei villam emi et necesse habeo exire et videre illam rogo te habe me excusatum
19 et alter dixit iuga boum emi quinque et eo probare illa rogo te habe me excusatum
20 et alius dixit uxorem duxi et ideo non possum venire
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.