Luke 22:16

16 dico enim vobis quia ex hoc non manducabo illud donec impleatur in regno Dei

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Luke 22:16 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 22:16

For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof
Of the passover, and which now, with the rest of the ceremonial law, was to be abolished: until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God;
signifying, not that he should eat of it in the kingdom of God, where it would be fulfilled; seeing the passover was never more to take place, neither in the Gospel dispensation, nor in the heavenly glory; both which may be meant by the kingdom of God; but that he should never eat more of it in this ceremonial way, since it would have its accomplishment in each of those states: and it has been already fulfilled under the Gospel dispensation, which is often meant by the kingdom of God; in himself, who is the passover sacrificed for us, ( 1 Corinthians 5:7 ) for the passover lamb was a type of Christ, and he is the sum and substance of that shadow, and the fulfilling end of that type; it had its accomplishment in him; of which (See Gill on 1 Corinthians 5:7) and it will also be fulfilled in the kingdom of heaven, or eternal glory, when there will be a perfect deliverance of the saints from sin, Satan, and the world; which the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt was typical of, commemorated in the passover; and therefore then will be sung the song of Moses, and the Lamb; and then will Christ, and his true followers, eat and drink together in his Father's kingdom, and spend an endless eternity in never fading joys and pleasures.

Luke 22:16 In-Context

14 et cum facta esset hora discubuit et duodecim apostoli cum eo
15 et ait illis desiderio desideravi hoc pascha manducare vobiscum antequam patiar
16 dico enim vobis quia ex hoc non manducabo illud donec impleatur in regno Dei
17 et accepto calice gratias egit et dixit accipite et dividite inter vos
18 dico enim vobis quod non bibam de generatione vitis donec regnum Dei veniat
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.