Exodus 32:30-35

30 facto autem die altero locutus est Moses ad populum peccastis peccatum maximum ascendam ad Dominum si quo modo eum quivero deprecari pro scelere vestro
31 reversusque ad Dominum ait obsecro peccavit populus iste peccatum magnum feceruntque sibi deos aureos aut dimitte eis hanc noxam
32 aut si non facis dele me de libro tuo quem scripsisti
33 cui respondit Dominus qui peccaverit mihi delebo eum de libro meo
34 tu autem vade et duc populum istum quo locutus sum tibi angelus meus praecedet te ego autem in die ultionis visitabo et hoc peccatum eorum
35 percussit ergo Dominus populum pro reatu vituli quem fecit Aaron

Exodus 32:30-35 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter gives an account of the idolatry of the Israelites making and worshipping a golden calf, Ex 32:1-6 the information of it God gave to Moses, bidding him at the same time not to make any suit in their favour, that he might consume them, and make a large nation out Moses's family, Ex 32:7-10 the intercession of Moses for them, in which he succeeded, Ex 32:11-14 his descent from the mount with the two tables in his hands, accompanied by Joshua, when he was an eyewitness of their idolatry, which raised his indignation, that he cast the two tables out of his hands and broke them, took the calf and burnt it, and ground it to powder, and made the children of Israel drink of it, Ex 32:15-20 the examination of Aaron about the fact, who excused himself, Ex 32:21-24 the orders given to the Levites, who joined themselves to Moses, to slay every man his brother, which they did to the number of 3000 men, Ex 32:25-29 another intercession for them by Moses, which gained a respite of them for a time, for they are threatened to be visited still for their sin, and they were plagued for it, Ex 32:30-35.

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