Exodus 39

1 de hyacintho vero et purpura vermiculo ac bysso fecit vestes quibus indueretur Aaron quando ministrabat in sanctis sicut praecepit Dominus Mosi
2 fecit igitur superumerale de auro hyacintho et purpura coccoque bis tincto et bysso retorta
3 opere polymitario inciditque bratteas aureas et extenuavit in fila ut possint torqueri cum priorum colorum subtemine
4 duasque oras sibi invicem copulatas in utroque latere summitatum
5 et balteum ex hisdem coloribus sicut praeceperat Dominus Mosi
6 paravit et duos lapides onychinos adstrictos et inclusos auro et sculptos arte gemmaria nominibus filiorum Israhel
7 posuitque eos in lateribus superumeralis in monumentum filiorum Israhel sicut praeceperat Dominus Mosi
8 fecit et rationale opere polymito iuxta opus superumeralis ex auro hyacintho purpura coccoque bis tincto et bysso retorta
9 quadrangulum duplex mensurae palmi
10 et posuit in eo gemmarum ordines quattuor in primo versu erat sardius topazius zmaragdus
11 in secundo carbunculus sapphyrus iaspis
12 in tertio ligyrius achates amethistus
13 in quarto chrysolitus onychinus berillus circumdati et inclusi auro per ordines suos
14 ipsique lapides duodecim sculpti erant nominibus duodecim tribuum Israhel singuli per nomina singulorum
15 fecerunt in rationali et catenulas sibi invicem coherentes de auro purissimo
16 et duos uncinos totidemque anulos aureos porro anulos posuerunt in utroque latere rationalis
17 e quibus penderent duae catenae aureae quas inseruerunt uncinis qui in superumeralis angulis eminebant
18 haec et ante et retro ita conveniebant sibi ut superumerale et rationale mutuo necterentur
19 stricta ad balteum et anulis fortius copulata quos iungebat vitta hyacinthina ne laxe fluerent et a se invicem moverentur sicut praecepit Dominus Mosi
20 fecerunt quoque tunicam superumeralis totam hyacinthinam
21 et capitium in superiori parte contra medium oramque per gyrum capitii textilem
22 deorsum autem ad pedes mala punica ex hyacintho purpura vermiculo ac bysso retorta
23 et tintinabula de auro mundissimo quae posuerunt inter mala granata in extrema parte tunicae per gyrum
24 tintinabulum aureum et malum punicum quibus ornatus incedebat pontifex quando ministerio fungebatur sicut praecepit Dominus Mosi
25 fecerunt et tunicas byssinas opere textili Aaron et filiis eius
26 et mitras cum coronulis suis ex bysso
27 feminalia quoque linea byssina
28 cingulum vero de bysso retorta hyacintho purpura ac vermiculo distinctum arte plumaria sicut praecepit Dominus Mosi
29 fecerunt et lamminam sacrae venerationis de auro purissimo scripseruntque in ea opere gemmario Sanctum Domini
30 et strinxerunt eam cum mitra vitta hyacinthina sicut praecepit Dominus Mosi
31 perfectum est igitur omne opus tabernaculi et tecti testimonii feceruntque filii Israhel cuncta quae praeceperat Dominus Mosi
32 et obtulerunt tabernaculum et tectum et universam supellectilem anulos tabulas vectes columnas ac bases
33 opertorium de pellibus arietum rubricatis et aliud operimentum de ianthinis pellibus
34 velum arcam vectes propitiatorium
35 mensam cum vasis et propositionis panibus
36 candelabrum lucernas et utensilia eorum cum oleo
37 altare aureum et unguentum thymiama ex aromatibus
38 et tentorium in introitu tabernaculi
39 altare aeneum retiaculum vectes et vasa eius omnia labrum cum basi sua tentoria atrii et columnas cum basibus suis
40 tentorium in introitu atrii funiculosque illius et paxillos nihil ex vasis defuit quae in ministerium tabernaculi et in tectum foederis iussa sunt fieri
41 vestes quoque quibus sacerdotes utuntur in sanctuario Aaron scilicet et filii eius
42 obtulerunt filii Israhel sicut praeceperat Dominus
43 quae postquam Moses cuncta vidit expleta benedixit eis

Exodus 39 Commentary

Chapter 39

The priests' garments. (1-31) The tabernacle completed. (32-43)

Verses 1-31 The priests' garments were rich and splendid. The church in its infancy was thus taught by shadows of good things to come; but the substance is Christ, and the grace of the gospel. Christ is our great High Priest. When he undertook the work of our redemption, he put on the clothes of service, he arrayed himself with the gifts and graces of the Spirit, girded himself with resolution to go through the undertaking, took charge of all God's spiritual Israel, laid them near his heart, engraved them on the palms of his hands, and presented them to his Father. And he crowned himself with holiness to the Lord, consecrating his whole undertaking to the honour of his Father's holiness. True believers are spiritual priests. The clean linen with which all their clothes of service must be made, is the righteousness of saints, ( Revelation 19:8 ) .

Verses 32-43 The tabernacle was a type or emblem of Jesus Christ. As the Most High dwelt visibly within the sanctuary, even on the ark, so did he reside in the human nature and tabernacle of his dear Son; in Christ dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, ( Colossians 2:9 ) . The tabernacle was a symbol of every real Christian. In the soul of every true follower of the Saviour the Father dwells, the object of his worship, and the author of his blessings. The tabernacle also typified the church of the Redeemer. The meanest and the mightiest are alike dear to the Father's love, freely exercised through faith in Christ. The tabernacle was a type and emblem of the heavenly temple, Re. 21:3 . What, then, will be the splendour of His appearance, when the cloud shall be withdrawn, and his faithful worshippers shall see him as he is!

Chapter Summary


In this chapter is continued the account of making the several things belonging to the sanctuary, particularly the clothes for the service of the tabernacle, and the garments of the priests, as the ephod and its curious girdle, Ex 39:1-7 the breastplate and the putting of the stones in it, and the fastening of it to the ephod, Ex 39:8-21 the robe of the ephod, with the bells and pomegranates to it, Ex 39:21-26 and the coats, mitre, bonnets, breeches, and girdle of fine linen, for Aaron and his sons, Ex 39:27-29 and the golden plate, Ex 39:30,31 and all being finished, the tabernacle and everything belonging to it were brought to Moses, and viewed by him; who seeing that all was done exactly according to the commandment of the Lord, blessed the people, and particularly the artificers, Ex 39:38-43.

Exodus 39 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.