1 Kings 8:40

40 ut timeant te cunctis diebus quibus vivunt super faciem terrae quam dedisti patribus nostris

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1 Kings 8:40 Meaning and Commentary

1 Kings 8:40

That they may fear thee
For his goodness sake in hearing their prayer, removing their affliction, and bestowing his blessings on them, particularly in forgiving their sins, see ( Psalms 130:4 ) ( Hosea 3:5 )

all the days that they live in the land which thou gavest unto our
not only for the present, while the mercy is fresh, but all the days of their lives; to which they were the more obliged by the good land they possessed as a divine gift, and which they held by the tenure of their obedience, ( Isaiah 1:19 ) .

1 Kings 8:40 In-Context

38 cuncta devotatio et inprecatio quae acciderit omni homini de populo tuo Israhel si quis cognoverit plagam cordis sui et expanderit manus suas in domo hac
39 tu audies in caelo in loco habitationis tuae et repropitiaberis et facies ut des unicuique secundum omnes vias suas sicut videris cor eius quia tu nosti solus cor omnium filiorum hominum
40 ut timeant te cunctis diebus quibus vivunt super faciem terrae quam dedisti patribus nostris
41 insuper et alienigena qui non est de populo tuo Israhel cum venerit de terra longinqua propter nomen tuum audietur enim nomen tuum magnum et manus tua fortis et brachium tuum
42 extentum ubique cum venerit ergo et oraverit in loco hoc
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.