1 Kings 8:53

53 tu enim separasti eos tibi in hereditatem de universis populis terrae sicut locutus es per Mosen servum tuum quando eduxisti patres nostros de Aegypto Domine Deus

Images for 1 Kings 8:53

1 Kings 8:53 Meaning and Commentary

1 Kings 8:53

For thou didst separate them from among all people of the
earth to be thine inheritance
By his choice of them in his own mind, by the redemption of them out of Egypt, by the peculiar laws he gave them, and by the special blessings he conferred upon them:

as thou spakest by the hand of Moses thy servant, when thou broughtest
our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord our God;
it was he that spake this to Moses, and by him to the people, ( Exodus 19:5 Exodus 19:6 ) and it was he that did it, namely, separate them from all nations, to be his people and peculiar treasure: in this and the two preceding verses Solomon makes use of arguments taken from what the people of Israel were to the Lord, and he had done for them, to engage him to hearken to their supplications, and here ends his long prayer; in ( 2 Chronicles 6:1 ) some things are added at the close of it, and some omitted.

1 Kings 8:53 In-Context

51 populus enim tuus est et hereditas tua quos eduxisti de terra Aegypti de medio fornacis ferreae
52 ut sint oculi tui aperti ad deprecationem servi tui et populi tui Israhel et exaudias eos in universis pro quibus invocaverint te
53 tu enim separasti eos tibi in hereditatem de universis populis terrae sicut locutus es per Mosen servum tuum quando eduxisti patres nostros de Aegypto Domine Deus
54 factum est autem cum conplesset Salomon orans Dominum omnem orationem et deprecationem hanc surrexit de conspectu altaris Domini utrumque enim genu in terram fixerat et manus expanderat ad caelum
55 stetit ergo et benedixit omni ecclesiae Israhel voce magna dicens
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.