2 Kings 12

1 anno septimo Hieu regnavit Ioas quadraginta annis regnavit in Hierusalem nomen matris eius Sebia de Bersabee
2 fecitque Ioas rectum coram Domino cunctis diebus quibus docuit eum Ioiada sacerdos
3 verumtamen excelsa non abstulit adhuc populus immolabat et adolebat in excelsis incensum
4 dixitque Ioas ad sacerdotes omnem pecuniam sanctorum quae inlata fuerit in templum Domini a praetereuntibus quae offertur pro pretio animae et quam sponte et arbitrio cordis sui inferunt in templum Domini
5 accipiant illam sacerdotes iuxta ordinem suum et instaurent sarta tecta domus si quid necessarium viderint instauratione
6 igitur usque ad vicesimum tertium annum regis Ioas non instauraverunt sacerdotes sarta tecta templi
7 vocavitque rex Ioas Ioiada pontificem et sacerdotes dicens eis quare sarta tecta non instaurastis templi nolite ergo amplius accipere pecuniam iuxta ordinem vestrum sed ad instaurationem templi reddite eam
8 prohibitique sunt sacerdotes ultra accipere pecuniam a populo et instaurare sarta tecta domus
9 et tulit Ioiada pontifex gazofilacium unum aperuitque foramen desuper et posuit illud iuxta altare ad dexteram ingredientium domum Domini mittebantque in eo sacerdotes qui custodiebant ostia omnem pecuniam quae deferebatur ad templum Domini
10 cumque viderent nimiam pecuniam esse in gazofilacio ascendebat scriba regis et pontifex effundebantque et numerabant pecuniam quae inveniebatur in domo Domini
11 et dabant eam iuxta numerum atque mensuram in manu eorum qui praeerant cementariis domus Domini qui inpendebant eam in fabris lignorum et in cementariis his qui operabantur in domo Domini
12 et sarta tecta faciebant et in his qui caedebant saxa et ut emerent ligna et lapides qui excidebantur ita ut impleretur instauratio domus Domini in universis quae indigebant expensa ad muniendam domum
13 verumtamen non fiebant ex eadem pecunia hydriae templi Domini et fuscinulae et turibula et tubae omne vas aureum et argenteum de pecunia quae inferebatur in templum Domini
14 his enim qui faciebant opus dabatur ut instauraretur templum Domini
15 et non fiebat ratio his hominibus qui accipiebant pecuniam ut distribuerent eam artificibus sed in fide tractabant eam
16 pecuniam vero pro delicto et pecuniam pro peccatis non inferebant in templum Domini quia sacerdotum erat
17 tunc ascendit Azahel rex Syriae et pugnabat contra Geth cepitque eam et direxit faciem suam ut ascenderet in Hierusalem
18 quam ob rem tulit Ioas rex Iuda omnia sanctificata quae consecraverant Iosaphat et Ioram et Ahazia patres eius reges Iuda et quae ipse obtulerat et universum argentum quod inveniri potuit in thesauris templi Domini et in palatio regis misitque Azaheli regi Syriae et recessit ab Hierusalem
19 reliqua autem sermonum Ioas et universa quae fecit nonne haec scripta sunt in libro verborum dierum regum Iuda
20 surrexerunt autem servi eius et coniuraverunt inter se percusseruntque Ioas in domo Mello in descensu Sela
21 Iozachar namque filius Semath et Iozabad filius Somer servi eius percusserunt eum et mortuus est et sepelierunt eum cum patribus suis in civitate David regnavitque Amasias filius eius pro eo

2 Kings 12 Commentary

Chapter 12

Jehoash orders the repair of the temple. (1-16) He is slain by his servants. (17-21)

Verses 1-16 It is a great mercy to young people, especially to all young men of rank, like Jehoash, to have those about them who will instruct them to do what is right in the sight of the Lord; and they do wisely and well for themselves, when willing to be counselled and ruled. The temple was out of repair; Jehoash orders the repair of the temple. The king was zealous. God requires those who have power, to use it for the support of religion, the redress of grievances, and repairing of decays. The king employed the priests to manage, as most likely to be hearty in the work. But nothing was done effectually till the twenty-third year of his reign. Another method was therefore taken. When public distributions are made faithfully, public contributions will be made cheerfully. While they were getting all they could for the repair of the temple, they did not break in upon the stated maintenance of the priests. Let not the servants of the temple be starved, under colour of repairing the breaches of it. Those that were intrusted did the business carefully and faithfully. They did not lay it out in ornaments for the temple, till the other work was completed; hence we may learn, in all our expenses, to prefer that which is most needful, and, in dealing for the public, to deal as we would for ourselves.

Verses 17-21 Let us review the character of Jehoash, and consider what we may learn from it. When we see what a sad conclusion there was to so promising a beginning, it ought to make us seek into our spiritual declinings. If we know any thing of Christ as the foundation of our faith and hope, let us desire to know nothing but Christ. May the work of the blessed Spirit on our souls be manifest; may we see, feel, and be earnest, in seeking after Jesus in all his fulness, suitableness, and grace, that our souls may be brought over from dead works to serve the living and true God.

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Chapter Summary


In this chapter some account is given of the reign of Jehoash, that it was long, and the beginning of it good, during the life of Jehoiada, 2Ki 12:1-3 how urgent he was to have the temple repaired, and what methods were taken for that purpose, 2Ki 12:4-16, how meanly, as well as impiously, he behaved, when the king of Syria was about to come up to Jerusalem and besiege it, 2Ki 12:17,18, and the chapter is closed with an account of his death, and the manner of it, 2Ki 12:19-21.

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2 Kings 12 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.
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