2 Samuel 24

1 et addidit furor Domini irasci contra Israhel commovitque David in eis dicentem vade numera Israhel et Iudam
2 dixitque rex ad Ioab principem exercitus sui perambula omnes tribus Israhel a Dan usque Bersabee et numerate populum ut sciam numerum eius
3 dixitque Ioab regi adaugeat Dominus Deus tuus ad populum quantus nunc est iterumque centuplicet in conspectu domini mei regis sed quid sibi dominus meus rex vult in re huiuscemodi
4 obtinuit autem sermo regis verba Ioab et principum exercitus egressusque est Ioab et principes militum a facie regis ut numerarent populum Israhel
5 cumque pertransissent Iordanem venerunt in Aroer ad dextram urbis quae est in valle Gad
6 et per Iazer transierunt in Galaad et in terram inferiorem Hodsi et venerunt in Dan silvestria circumeuntesque iuxta Sidonem
7 transierunt propter moenia Tyri et omnem terram Hevei et Chananei veneruntque ad meridiem Iuda in Bersabee
8 et lustrata universa terra adfuerunt post novem menses et viginti dies in Hierusalem
9 dedit ergo Ioab numerum descriptionis populi regi et inventa sunt de Israhel octingenta milia virorum fortium qui educerent gladium et de Iuda quingenta milia pugnatorum
10 percussit autem cor David eum postquam numeratus est populus et dixit David ad Dominum peccavi valde in hoc facto sed precor Domine ut transferas iniquitatem servi tui quia stulte egi nimis
11 surrexit itaque David mane et sermo Domini factus est ad Gad propheten et videntem David dicens
12 vade et loquere ad David haec dicit Dominus trium tibi datur optio elige unum quod volueris ex his ut faciam tibi
13 cumque venisset Gad ad David nuntiavit ei dicens aut septem annis veniet tibi fames in terra tua aut tribus mensibus fugies adversarios tuos et illi persequentur aut certe tribus diebus erit pestilentia in terra tua nunc ergo delibera et vide quem respondeam ei qui me misit sermonem
14 dixit autem David ad Gad artor nimis sed melius est ut incidam in manu Domini multae enim misericordiae eius sunt quam in manu hominis
15 inmisitque Dominus pestilentiam in Israhel de mane usque ad tempus constitutum et mortui sunt ex populo a Dan usque Bersabee septuaginta milia virorum
16 cumque extendisset manum angelus Dei super Hierusalem ut disperderet eam misertus est Dominus super adflictione et ait angelo percutienti populum sufficit nunc contine manum tuam erat autem angelus Domini iuxta aream Areuna Iebusei
17 dixitque David ad Dominum cum vidisset angelum caedentem populum ego sum qui peccavi ego inique egi isti qui oves sunt quid fecerunt vertatur obsecro manus tua contra me et contra domum patris mei
18 venit autem Gad ad David in die illa et dixit ei ascende constitue Domino altare in area Areuna Iebusei
19 et ascendit David iuxta sermonem Gad quem praeceperat ei Dominus
20 conspiciensque Areuna animadvertit regem et servos eius transire ad se
21 et egressus adoravit regem prono vultu in terra et ait quid causae est ut veniat dominus meus rex ad servum suum cui David ait ut emam a te aream et aedificem altare Domino et cesset interfectio quae grassatur in populo
22 et ait Areuna ad David accipiat et offerat dominus meus rex sicut ei placet habes boves in holocaustum et plaustrum et iuga boum in usum lignorum
23 omnia dedit Areuna rex regi dixitque Areuna ad regem Dominus Deus tuus suscipiat votum tuum
24 cui respondens rex ait nequaquam ut vis sed emam pretio a te et non offeram Domino Deo meo holocausta gratuita emit ergo David aream et boves argenti siclis quinquaginta
25 et aedificavit ibi David altare Domino et obtulit holocausta et pacifica et repropitiatus est Dominus terrae et cohibita est plaga ab Israhel

2 Samuel 24 Commentary

Chapter 24

David numbers the people. (1-9) He chooses the pestilence. (10-15) The staying the pestilence. (16,17) David's sacrifice, The plague removed. (18-25)

Verses 1-9 For the people's sin David was left to act wrong, and in his chastisement they received punishment. This example throws light upon God's government of the world, and furnishes a useful lesson. The pride of David's heart, was his sin in numbering of the people. He thought thereby to appear the more formidable, trusting in an arm of flesh more than he should have done, and though he had written so much of trusting in God only. God judges not of sin as we do. What appears to us harmless, or, at least, but a small offence, may be a great sin in the eye of God, who discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. Even ungodly men can discern evil tempers and wrong conduct in believers, of which they themselves often remain unconscious. But God seldom allows those whom he loves the pleasures they sinfully covet.

Verses 10-15 It is well, when a man has sinned, if he has a heart within to smite him for it. If we confess our sins, we may pray in faith that God would forgive them, and take away, by pardoning mercy, that sin which we cast away by sincere repentance. What we make the matter of our pride, it is just in God to take from us, or make bitter to us, and make it our punishment. This must be such a punishment as the people have a large share in, for though it was David's sin that opened the sluice, the sins of the people all contributed to the flood. In this difficulty, David chose a judgment which came immediately from God, whose mercies he knew to be very great, rather than from men, who would have triumphed in the miseries of Israel, and have been thereby hardened in their idolatry. He chose the pestilence; he and his family would be as much exposed to it as the poorest Israelite; and he would continue for a shorter time under the Divine rebuke, however severe it was. The rapid destruction by the pestilence shows how easily God can bring down the proudest sinners, and how much we owe daily to the Divine patience.

Verses 16-17 Perhaps there was more wickedness, especially more pride, and that was the sin now chastised, in Jerusalem than elsewhere, therefore the hand of the destroyer is stretched out upon that city; but the Lord repented him of the evil, changed not his mind, but his way. In the very place where Abraham was stayed from slaying his son, this angel, by a like countermand, was stayed from destroying Jerusalem. It is for the sake of the great Sacrifice, that our forfeited lives are preserved from the destroying angel. And in David is the spirit of a true shepherd of the people, offering himself as a sacrifice to God, for the salvation of his subjects.

Verses 18-25 God's encouraging us to offer to him spiritual sacrifices, is an evidence of his reconciling us to himself. David purchased the ground to build the altar. God hates robbery for burnt-offering. Those know not what religion is, who chiefly care to make it cheap and easy to themselves, and who are best pleased with that which costs them least pains or money. For what have we our substance, but to honour God with it; and how can it be better bestowed? See the building of the altar, and the offering proper sacrifices upon it. Burnt-offerings to the glory of God's justice; peace-offerings to the glory of his mercy. Christ is our Altar, our Sacrifice; in him alone we may expect to escape his wrath, and to find favour with God. Death is destroying all around, in so many forms, and so suddenly, that it is madness not to expect and prepare for the close of life.

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Chapter Summary


In this chapter an account is given of David's numbering of the people, 2Sa 24:1-9; of the sense he had of his sin, and of his acknowledgment of it; and of the Lord's displeasure at it, who sent the prophet Gad to him, to propose three things to him, one of which he was to choose as a punishment for it, 2Sa 24:10-13; when he chose the pestilence, which carried off a great number of the people, 2Sa 24:14-17; and David was directed to build an altar to the Lord in the threshingfloor of Araunah the Jebusite, with whom he agreed for it, and built one on it, and offered upon it, and so the plague was stayed, 2Sa 24:18-25.

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2 Samuel 24 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.
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