Acts 9:34

34 et ait illi Petrus Aeneas sanat te Iesus Christus surge et sterne tibi et continuo surrexit

Acts 9:34 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 9:34

And Peter said unto him, Aeneas
He called him by his name, which he might without divine revelation know, though he was a stranger to him, by the people of the house, where he was:

Jesus Christ maketh thee whole;
Peter knew, by some secret impulse upon his mind, that Christ would cure this man by him as an instrument at this time, and therefore said these words; not as a prayer, as some render them, "may Jesus Christ heal thee", though was it so, it was a prayer of faith; but as a promise that he would, or rather as a declaration of the then present exertion of his power to heal him; which he ascribes not to himself, but to Christ, in whose name, and by whose power the apostles wrought all their miracles; ( Acts 3:12 Acts 3:14 ) ( Acts 4:9 Acts 4:10 ) "arise, and make thy bed"; which would be a full demonstration that he was perfectly whole:

and he arose immediately;
and also, no doubt, made his bed, as the man at Bethesda's pool was bid by Christ, to take up his bed and carry it, as a proof of his soundness.

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Acts 9:34 In-Context

32 factum est autem Petrum dum pertransiret universos devenire et ad sanctos qui habitabant Lyddae
33 invenit autem ibi hominem quendam nomine Aeneam ab annis octo iacentem in grabatto qui erat paralyticus
34 et ait illi Petrus Aeneas sanat te Iesus Christus surge et sterne tibi et continuo surrexit
35 et viderunt illum omnes qui habitabant Lyddae et Saronae qui conversi sunt ad Dominum
36 in Ioppe autem fuit quaedam discipula nomine Tabitas quae interpretata dicitur Dorcas haec erat plena operibus bonis et elemosynis quas faciebat
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.
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