Daniel 11

1 Ego autem ab anno primo Darii Medi stabam ut confortaretur, et roboraretur.
2 Et nunc veritatem annunciabo tibi. Ecce adhuc tres reges stabunt in Perside, et quartus ditabitur opibus nimiis super omnes: et cum invaluerit divitiis suis, concitabit omnes adversum regnum Graeciae.
3 Surget vero rex fortis, et dominabitur potestate multa: et faciet quod placuerit ei.
4 Et cum steterit, conteretur regnum eius, et dividetur in quattuor ventos caeli: sed non in posteros eius, neque secundum potentiam illius, qua dominatus est. lacerabitur enim regnum eius etiam in externos, exceptis his.
5 Et confortabitur rex Austri: et de principibus eius praevalebit super eum, et dominabitur ditione: multa enim dominatio eius.
6 Et post finem annorum foederabuntur: filiaque regis Austri veniet ad regem Aquilonis facere amicitiam, et non obtinebit fortitudinem brachii, nec stabit semen eius: et tradetur ipsa, et qui adduxerunt eam, adolescentes eius, et qui confortabant eam in temporibus.
7 Et stabit de germine radicum eius plantatio: et veniet cum exercitu, et ingredietur provinciam regis Aquilonis: et abutetur eis, et obtinebit.
8 Insuper et deos eorum, et sculptilia, vasa quoque pretiosa argenti, et auri captiva ducet in Aegyptum: ipse praevalebit adversus regem Aquilonis.
9 Et intrabit in regnum rex Austri, et revertetur ad terram suam.
10 Filii autem eius provocabuntur, et congregabunt multitudinem exercituum plurimorum: et veniet properans, et inundans: et revertetur, et concitabitur, et congredietur cum robere eius.
11 Et provocatus rex Austri egredietur, et pugnabit adversus regem Aquilonis, et praeparabit multitudinem nimiam, et dabitur multitudo in manu eius.
12 Et capiet multitudinem, et exaltabitur cor eius, et deiiciet multa millia, sed non praevalebit.
13 Convertetur enim rex Aquilonis, et praeparabit multitudinem multo maiorem quam prius: et in fine temporum, annorumque veniet properans cum exercitu magno, et opibus nimiis.
14 Et in temporibus illis multi consurgent adversus regem Austri: filii quoque praevaricatorum populi tui extollentur ut impleant visionem, et corruent.
15 Et venit rex Aquilonis, et comportabit aggerem, et capiet urbes munitissimas: et brachia Austri non sustinebunt, et consurgent electi eius ad resistendum, et non erit fortitudo.
16 Et faciet veniens super eum iuxta placitum suum, et non erit qui stet contra faciem eius: et stabit in terra inclyta, et consumetur in manu eius.
17 Et ponet faciem suam ut veniat ad tenendum universum regnum eius, et recta faciet cum eo: et filiam feminarum dabit ei, ut evertat illud: et non stabit, nec illius erit.
18 Et convertet faciem suam ad insulas, et capiet multas: et cessare faciet principem opprobrii sui, et opprobrium eius convertetur in eum.
19 Et convertet faciem suam ad imperium terrae suae, et impinget, et corruet, et non invenietur.
20 Et stabit in loco eius vilissimus, et indignus decore regio: et in paucis diebus conteretur, non in furore, nec in praelio.
21 Et stabit in loco eius despectus, et non tribuetur ei honor regius: et veniet clam, et obtinebit regnum in fraudulentia.
22 Et brachia pugnantis expugnabuntur a facie eius, et conterentur: insuper et dux foederis.
23 Et post amicitias, cum eo faciet dolum: et ascendet, et superabit in modico populo.
24 Et abundantes, et uberes urbes ingredietur: et faciet quae non fecerunt patres eius, et patres patrum eius: rapinas, et praedam, et divinitas eorum dissipabit, et contra firmissimas cogitationes inibit: et hoc usque ad tempus.
25 Et concitabitur fortitudo eius, et cor eius adversum regem Austri in exercitu magno: et rex Austri provocabitur ad bellum multis auxiliis, et fortibus nimis: et non stabunt, quia inibunt adversus eum consilia.
26 Et comedentes panem cum eo, conterent illum, exercitusque eius opprimetur: et cadent interfecti plurimi.
27 Duorum quoque regnum cor erit ut malefaciant, et ad mensam unam mendacium loquentur, et non proficient: quia adhuc finis in aliud tempus.
28 Et revertetur in terram suam cum opibus multis: et cor eius adversum testamentum sanctum, et faciet, et revertetur in terram suam.
29 Statuto tempore revertetur, et veniet ad Austrum: et non erit priori simile novissimum.
30 Et veniet super eum Trieres, et Romani: et percutietur, et revertetur, et indignabitur contra testamentum sanctuarii, et faciet: reverteturque et cogitabit adversum eos, qui dereliquerunt testamentum sanctuarii.
31 Et brachia ex eo stabunt, et polluent sanctuarium fortitudinis, et auferent iuge sacrificium: et dabunt abominationem in desolationem.
32 Et impii in testamentum simulabunt fraudulenter: populus autem sciens Deum suum, obtinebit, et faciet.
33 Et docti in populo docebunt plurimos: et ruent in gladio, et in flamma, et in captivitate, et in rapina dierum.
34 Cumque corruerint, sublevabuntur auxilio parvulo: et applicabuntur eis plurimi fraudulenter.
35 Et de eruditis ruent, ut conflentur, et eligantur, et dealbentur usque ad tempus praefinitum: quia adhuc aliud tempus erit.
36 Et faciet iuxta voluntatem suam rex, et elevabitur, et magnificabitur adversus omnem deum: et adversus Deum deorum loquetur magnifica, et dirigetur, donec compleatur iracundia: perpetrata quippe est definitio.
37 Et Deum patrum suorum non reputabit: et erit in concupiscentiis feminarum, nec quemquam deorum curabit: quia adversum universa consurget.
38 Deum autem Maozim in loco suo venerabitur: et Deum, quem ignoraverunt patres eius, colet auro, et argento, et lapide pretioso, rebusque pretiosis.
39 Et faciet ut muniat Maozim cum Deo alieno, quem cognovit, et multiplicabit gloriam, et dabit eis potestatem in multis, et terram dividet gratuito.
40 Et in tempore praefinito praeliabitur adversus eum rex Austri, et quasi tempestas veniet contra illum rex Aquilonis in curribus, et in equitibus, et in classe magna, et ingredietur terras, et conteret, et pertransiet.
41 Et introibit in terram gloriosam, et multae corruent: hae autem solae salvabuntur de manu eius, Edom, et Moab, et principium filiorum Ammon.
42 Et mittet manum suam in terras: et Terra Aegypti non effugiet.
43 Et dominabitur thesaurorum auri, et argenti, et in omnibus pretiosis Aegypti: per Libyam quoque, et Aethiopiam transibit.
44 Et fama turbabit eum ab Oriente et ab Aquilone: et veniet in multitudine magna ut conterat et interficiat plurimos.
45 Et figet tabernaculum suum Apadno inter maria, super montem inclytum et sanctum: et veniet usque ad summitatem eius, et nemo auxiliabitur ei.

Daniel 11 Commentary

Chapter 11

The vision of the Scriptures of truth.

Verses 1-30 The angel shows Daniel the succession of the Persian and Grecian empires. The kings of Egypt and Syria are noticed: Judea was between their dominions, and affected by their contests. From ver. ( 5-30 ) , is generally considered to relate to the events which came to pass during the continuance of these governments; and from ver. ( 21 ) , to relate to Antiochus Epiphanes, who was a cruel and violent persecutor of the Jews. See what decaying, perishing things worldly pomp and possessions are, and the power by which they are gotten. God, in his providence, sets up one, and pulls down another, as he pleases. This world is full of wars and fightings, which come from men's lusts. All changes and revolutions of states and kingdoms, and every event, are plainly and perfectly foreseen by God. No word of God shall fall to the ground; but what he has designed, what he has declared, shall infallibly come to pass. While the potsherds of the earth strive with each other, they prevail and are prevailed against, deceive and are deceived; but those who know God will trust in him, and he will enable them to stand their ground, bear their cross, and maintain their conflict.

Verses 31-45 The remainder of this prophecy is very difficult, and commentators differ much respecting it. From Antiochus the account seems to pass to antichrist. Reference seems to be made to the Roman empire, the fourth monarchy, in its pagan, early Christian, and papal states. The end of the Lord's anger against his people approaches, as well as the end of his patience towards his enemies. If we would escape the ruin of the infidel, the idolater, the superstitious and cruel persecutor, as well as that of the profane, let us make the oracles of God our standard of truth and of duty, the foundation of our hope, and the light of our paths through this dark world, to the glorious inheritance above.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the angel makes good his promise to Daniel, that he would show him what was written in the Scripture of truth, concerning the monarchies of the earth, and what would befall his people the Jews in the latter days; and after he had observed that he had strengthened and confirmed Darius the Mede, who was the first king of the then present flourishing monarchy, Da 11:1, he foretells the number of the kings of Persia, and particularly describes the fourth, Da 11:2 predicts the rise of the Grecian monarchy under Alexander the great, and the disposition of it after his death, Da 11:3,4 and then proceeds to give an account of the two principal kingdoms of that monarchy, into which it was divided, the Seleucidae and Lagidae; and of their kings, the king of Egypt, and the king of Syria, under the names of the king of the south, and the king of the north, and of their power and agreement, Da 11:5,6 and then of their various wars between themselves and others, and the success of them, Da 11:7-20, and particularly of Antiochus, his character and manner of coming to the kingdom, and of his wars with the king of Egypt, and the issue of them, Da 11:21-29 and of his persecution of the Jews, and the distress he should bring on them, and the use it should be of to the godly among them, Da 11:30-35, and then his antitype, antichrist, is described; the western antichrist, his character and actions, Da 11:36-39 then the eastern, his power, wealth and riches, hail and rain, Da 11:40-45.

Daniel 11 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.