Ver. 12,13. Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it Or observe it, by setting it apart as a time of natural rest, and for the performance of holy and religious exercises; see ( Exodus 20:8 ) , where the phrase is a little varied, "remember the sabbath day to keep it holy"; it having been instituted before:
as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; not at Sinai only, for the same might then have been observed of all the rest of the commands, but before the giving of the law, at the first of the manna; see ( Exodus 16:23 ) .
et faciens misericordiam in multa milia diligentibus me et custodientibus praecepta mea
non usurpabis nomen Domini Dei tui frustra quia non erit inpunitus qui super re vana nomen eius adsumpserit
observa diem sabbati ut sanctifices eum sicut praecepit tibi Dominus Deus tuus
sex diebus operaberis et facies omnia opera tua
septimus dies sabbati est id est requies Domini Dei tui non facies in eo quicquam operis tu et filius tuus et filia servus et ancilla et bos et asinus et omne iumentum tuum et peregrinus qui est intra portas tuas ut requiescat servus et ancilla tua sicut et tu