Galatians 5:19

19 manifesta autem sunt opera carnis quae sunt fornicatio inmunditia luxuria

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Galatians 5:19 Meaning and Commentary

Galatians 5:19

Now the works of the flesh are manifest
By "flesh" is meant corrupt nature, as before, and by the works of it, not only external acts of sin, but inward lusts; for such are here mentioned among its works, as "hatred", "wrath", "envyings" and both external and internal acts are so called, because they spring from the flesh, or corrupt nature, and are what that urges and solicits to, and are wrought thereby, and are what denominate and show men to be carnal: these are said to be "manifest"; not that they are all, and always publicly done, and are open to the sight of men; for they are works of darkness, and often done in secret, though they are always manifest to God the searcher of hearts, and will be brought to light in the day of judgment; but they are known to be sins in some measure by the light of nature, and especially by the law of God; and a clear case it is, that they are contrary to the Spirit, both to the Spirit of God, and to the principle of grace he forms in the heart; and that such who live in the commission of them are not led by him, nor are under the influence of his grace:

which are these;
though all are not mentioned, only some of the chief, by which judgment may be made of the rest:

this is left out in the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions, and in the Alexandrian copy; it is a defilement of the marriage bed, and is the sin of uncleanness committed by two persons, one of which at least is in a married state, is condemned by the law of God and light of nature:

which though by many of the Gentiles was reckoned no sin, or a very small one, stands here among the works of the flesh, that are manifest and to be avoided; it is the sin of uncleanness committed by persons in a single state;

it is a general name for all unchastity, in thought, word, or action; and may here design more especially all unnatural lusts, as


or wantonness, all lustful dalliance, everything that leads on to acts of uncleanness, or attends them, as impure words, filthy gestures, and the like.

Galatians 5:19 In-Context

17 caro enim concupiscit adversus spiritum spiritus autem adversus carnem haec enim invicem adversantur ut non quaecumque vultis illa faciatis
18 quod si spiritu ducimini non estis sub lege
19 manifesta autem sunt opera carnis quae sunt fornicatio inmunditia luxuria
20 idolorum servitus veneficia inimicitiae contentiones aemulationes irae rixae dissensiones sectae
21 invidiae homicidia ebrietates comesationes et his similia quae praedico vobis sicut praedixi quoniam qui talia agunt regnum Dei non consequentur

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The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.