Isaiah 10:12

12 et erit cum impleverit Dominus cuncta opera sua in monte Sion et in Hierusalem visitabo super fructum magnifici cordis regis Assur et super gloriam altitudinis oculorum eius

Isaiah 10:12 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 10:12

Wherefore it shall come to pass
It shall surely be; what God has purposed in his heart, and published in his word, shall certainly be fulfilled: [that] when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon Mount Zion,
and on Jerusalem;
in correcting, chastising, and humbling the inhabitants thereof, by suffering them to be besieged by the Assyrian army. God sometimes makes use of wicked men to chastise his people; this is his work, and not theirs; and when he begins, he goes on, and finishes it; and when he has done, punishes the instruments he uses; after he has scourged his children, he takes the rod, and breaks it to pieces. I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria,
and the glory of his high looks;
that is, he would punish him for his wicked actions, which were the fruit of the haughtiness of his heart, and the pride of his eyes; or for that pride which filled his heart, and showed itself in his lofty looks. Kimchi joins this to the preceding clause, and makes the sense to be, that God would punish the Assyrian for his pride, in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem; for there his army died, or near it, being smitten by the angel. The Targum is,

``and it shall be, when the Lord hath finished to do all that he hath said in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem.''
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Isaiah 10:12 In-Context

10 quomodo invenit manus mea regna idoli sic et simulacra eorum de Hierusalem et de Samaria
11 numquid non sicut feci Samariae et idolis eius sic faciam Hierusalem et simulacris eius
12 et erit cum impleverit Dominus cuncta opera sua in monte Sion et in Hierusalem visitabo super fructum magnifici cordis regis Assur et super gloriam altitudinis oculorum eius
13 dixit enim in fortitudine manus meae feci et in sapientia mea intellexi et abstuli terminos populorum et principes eorum depraedatus sum et detraxi quasi potens in sublime residentes
14 et invenit quasi nidum manus mea fortitudinem populorum et sicut colliguntur ova quae derelicta sunt sic universam terram ego congregavi et non fuit qui moveret pinnam et aperiret os et ganniret
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.
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