Isaiah 32:3

3 non caligabunt oculi videntium et aures audientium diligenter auscultabunt

Isaiah 32:3 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 32:3

And the eyes of them that see shall not be dim
Not of the seers and prophets, or ministers of the word only, but of the righteous in general, as the Targum; even all such as are illuminated by the Spirit of God, who shall have a clear discerning of Gospel truths, behold with open face, with eyes unveiled, the glory of them, and of Christ in them, and not have their eyes covered, or such a dim obscure knowledge of them as under the law; and not only the watchmen shall see, eye to eye, all truths clearly and distinctly, but even all, from the least to the greatest, shall know the Lord, and the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of him, as the waters cover the sea. It is a prophecy of the great increase of spiritual light in the times of the Messiah:

and the ears of them that hear shall hearken:
very diligently and attentively to the word preached, and receive and embrace the doctrines of the Gospel, and submit to, and obey, the ordinances of it.

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Isaiah 32:3 In-Context

1 ecce in iustitia regnabit rex et principes in iudicio praeerunt
2 et erit vir sicut qui absconditur a vento et celat se a tempestate sicut rivi aquarum in siti et umbra petrae prominentis in terra deserta
3 non caligabunt oculi videntium et aures audientium diligenter auscultabunt
4 et cor stultorum intelleget scientiam et lingua balborum velociter loquetur et plane
5 non vocabitur ultra is qui insipiens est princeps neque fraudulentus appellabitur maior
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.
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