Isaiah 9:15

15 longevus et honorabilis ipse est caput et propheta docens mendacium ipse cauda est

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Isaiah 9:15 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 9:15

The ancient and honourable, he [is] the head
The elder in office, not in age; and who, on account of his office, dignity, and riches, is honoured by men, is of a venerable countenance himself, and is reverenced when seen and looked upon by others, and received by persons with pleasure and cheerfulness; as the phrase used signifies. The Septuagint and Arabic versions render it, "who admire", or "have" men's "persons in admiration"; which is the character Jude gives of false teachers, ( Jude 1:16 ) who are next described: and the prophet that teacheth lies, he [is] the tail;
so called from their low extract, being often of a mean original and descent; or rather from the meanness of their spirits, their flattery of princes and great men, to whom they tell lies, and prophesy smooth and false things, for the sake of a little sordid gain, in allusion to dogs that wag their tails at their masters; or from the poison of their doctrines, some creatures having poison in their tails, and do much mischief with them. See ( Revelation 9:19 ) .

Isaiah 9:15 In-Context

13 et populus non est reversus ad percutientem se et Dominum exercituum non inquisierunt
14 et disperdet Dominus ab Israhel caput et caudam incurvantem et refrenantem die una
15 longevus et honorabilis ipse est caput et propheta docens mendacium ipse cauda est
16 et erunt qui beatificant populum istum seducentes et qui beatificantur praecipitati
17 propter hoc super adulescentulis eius non laetabitur Dominus et pupillorum eius et viduarum non miserebitur quia omnis hypocrita est et nequam et universum os locutum est stultitiam in omnibus his non est aversus furor eius sed adhuc manus eius extenta
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.