Nahum 1:13

13 et nunc conteram virgam eius de dorso tuo et vincula tua disrumpam

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Nahum 1:13 Meaning and Commentary

Nahum 1:13

For now will I break his yoke from off thee
The Assyrian yoke from off the Jews, who had been obliged to pay tribute, or send presents to the king of Assyria, from the times of Ahaz; and were in bondage, while shut up and besieged by his army, and the country all around laid under contribution; from all which they were delivered when his army was in that dreadful manner destroyed: and will burst thy bonds in sunder;
and set thee entirely free from the bondage of the enemy, and all fear of it; a type of that freedom from the yoke of sin, Satan, and the law, which the people of God have by Jesus Christ.

Nahum 1:13 In-Context

11 ex te exivit cogitans contra Dominum malitiam mente pertractans praevaricationem
12 haec dicit Dominus si perfecti fuerint et ita plures sic quoque adtondentur et pertransibit adflixi te et non adfligam te ultra
13 et nunc conteram virgam eius de dorso tuo et vincula tua disrumpam
14 et praecipiet super te Dominus non seminabitur ex nomine tuo amplius de domo Dei tui interficiam sculptile et conflatile ponam sepulchrum tuum quia inhonoratus es
15 ecce super montes pedes evangelizantis et adnuntiantis pacem celebra Iuda festivitates tuas et redde vota tua quia non adiciet ultra ut pertranseat in te Belial universus interiit
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.