Psalms 77:13

13 interrupit mare et perduxit eos statuit aquas quasi utrem

Images for Psalms 77:13

Psalms 77:13 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 77:13

Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary
Or "in holiness" {y}; that is, is holy, so the Syriac version, and to which the Targum agrees.

``O God, how holy are thy ways,''

see ( Psalms 145:17 ) , or "in the sanctuary", the temple, the church of God, where he takes his walks, and manifests himself, and where the reasons of his providence, and dealing with his people, are opened and made known unto them, see ( Psalms 68:24 ) ( 73:17 ) ,

who is so great a God as our God?
the Targum is, as the God of Israel; he is great in his persons, perfections, and works, and is greatly to be loved, feared, and praised.


F25 (vdqb) "in sanctitate", Pagninus, Montanus, Tigurine version, Junius & Tremellius, Gejerus, Michaelis.

Psalms 77:13 In-Context

11 et obliti sunt benefactorum eius et mirabilium eius quae ostendit eis
12 coram patribus eorum quae fecit mirabilia in terra Aegypti in campo Taneos
13 interrupit mare et perduxit eos statuit aquas quasi utrem
14 et deduxit eos in nube diei et tota nocte in inluminatione ignis
15 interrupit petram in heremo et adaquavit eos velut in abysso multa
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.