Romans 15:26

26 probaverunt enim Macedonia et Achaia conlationem aliquam facere in pauperes sanctorum qui sunt in Hierusalem

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Romans 15:26 Meaning and Commentary

Romans 15:26

For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia
That is, the churches of Macedonia, particularly Philippi and Thessalonica; and the churches of Achaia, especially the church at Corinth, which was the metropolis of Achaia:

to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at
of which contribution, of their great forwardness, readiness, and liberality, a large account is given in ( 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15 ) ; from whence Origen and others have rightly concluded, that this epistle to the Romans was wrote after that; since in that the apostle exhorts and encourages them, by the example of the Macedonian churches, to finish the collection they had begun; which collection is here called a contribution, or "communion", as the word signifies; it being one part of the communion of churches and of saints, to relieve their poor, by communicating to them, and to assist each other therein; and in which they have not only fellowship with one another, but with Christ the head; who takes what is done to the least of his brethren as done to himself: the persons for whom the collection was made, are "the poor saints", or "the poor of the saints"; for not all the saints, but the poor among them, were the objects of this generosity: they were saints such as are sanctified by God the Father in eternal election, and by the blood of Christ in redemption, and by the Spirit of Christ in the effectual calling, to these this goodness extended; for though good is to be done to all men, yet more especially to the household of faith: they were "poor", which is the lot of many who are saints, whom God has chosen, to whom the Gospel is preached, and who are called by grace: these came to be so, either through the great dearth which was throughout the world in the times of Claudius Caesar, when the brethren at Jerusalem particularly suffered, and were relieved by the disciples at Antioch; but this collection was made some years after that, and therefore rather they became so, through the persecutions of their countrymen; by whom they suffered joyfully the spoiling of their goods, knowing that they had a better and more enduring substance in heaven; or else through their having sold all their possessions, and thrown their money into one common stock and fund, for mutual subsistence, which was now exhausted: these poor saints lived at Jerusalem, which was at a great distance from Macedonia and Achaia; but though they were strangers, and unknown by face to them, and had only heard of them, and their distress; yet this was no objection to their cheerful contribution; they considered them as members of the same body, as belonging to the same family, and as standing in the same spiritual relation to God and Christ with themselves; and upon this foot they acted; and what they did is worthy the imitation of all the churches and people of God.

Romans 15:26 In-Context

24 cum in Hispaniam proficisci coepero spero quod praeteriens videam vos et a vobis deducar illuc si vobis primum ex parte fruitus fuero
25 nunc igitur proficiscar in Hierusalem ministrare sanctis
26 probaverunt enim Macedonia et Achaia conlationem aliquam facere in pauperes sanctorum qui sunt in Hierusalem
27 placuit enim eis et debitores sunt eorum nam si spiritalium eorum participes facti sunt gentiles debent et in carnalibus ministrare eis
28 hoc igitur cum consummavero et adsignavero eis fructum hunc proficiscar per vos in Hispaniam
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