Acts 3:10

10 They recognized him, that it was he who sat begging for gifts for the needy at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. They were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened to him.

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Acts 3:10 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 3:10

And they knew it was he that sat for alms
The Syriac version renders it, "they knew him to be that beggar that sat daily and asked alms". As he was daily brought thither, and had, for many years, it is very likely, sat there to ask alms of the people as they went into the temple; he was well known by them, and they had but just now passed him, and observed him in the same condition he had for a long time been, and knew him to be the same. It was a clear and indisputable point with them.

At the beautiful gate of the temple (See Gill on Acts 3:2).

And they were all filled with wonder and amazement at that which had
happened unto him;
that he should have a cure so suddenly, and in such an extraordinary manner; they wondered at the power of God, which was seen in it, and that he should make use of such mean and contemptible persons as the apostles were.

Acts 3:10 In-Context

8 Leaping up, he stood, and began to walk. He entered with them into the temple, walking, leaping, and praising God.
9 All the people saw him walking and praising God.
10 They recognized him, that it was he who sat begging for gifts for the needy at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. They were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened to him.
11 As the lame man who was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering.
12 When Peter saw it, he answered to the people, "You men of Israel, why do you marvel at this man? Why do you fasten your eyes on us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made him walk?
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