Deuteronomy 8:14

14 then your heart be lifted up, and you forget Yahweh your God, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage;

Deuteronomy 8:14 Meaning and Commentary

Deuteronomy 8:14

Then thine heart be lifted up
As the heart is apt to be when riches increase; hence the advice in ( 1 Timothy 6:17 )

and thou forget the Lord thy God;
from whom all good things come, and who can take them away when he pleases, and therefore should be ever kept in mind, for ever looked to and trusted in for the continuance of them; yet such is the evil heart of man, and such the stupefying nature of riches, that they bring on forgetfulness of the author of them, lead off from dependence on him and obedience to him; in order to prevent which, an enumeration is given of wonderful instances of divine goodness to Israel, as follows:

which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of
into a land abounding with all the above good things, and therefore it must be the highest ingratitude to forget such a God, and disobey his commands.

Deuteronomy 8:14 In-Context

12 lest, when you have eaten and are full, and have built goodly houses, and lived therein;
13 and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold is multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied;
14 then your heart be lifted up, and you forget Yahweh your God, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage;
15 who led you through the great and terrible wilderness, [in which were] fiery serpents and scorpions, and thirsty ground where was no water; who brought you forth water out of the rock of flint;
16 who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers didn't know; that he might humble you, and that he might prove you, to do you good at your latter end:
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