1 John 3:11

11 For this is the Message you have heard from the beginning--that we are to love one another.

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1 John 3:11 Meaning and Commentary

1 John 3:11

For this is the message
Sent from God by Christ, or what he in his ministry declared, and is the commandment which was so frequently urged by him, ( John 13:34 ) ( John 15:12 John 15:17 ) ;

that ye have heard from the beginning;
of the preaching of the Gospel to them, and of their conversion; see ( 1 John 2:7 ) ;

that we should love one another;
to which the command of Christ, the reason with which it is enforced, and the early notice of it, should engage.

1 John 3:11 In-Context

9 No one who is a child of God is habitually guilty of sin. A God-given germ of life remains in him, and he cannot habitually sin--because he is a child of God.
10 By this we can distinguish God's children and the Devil's children: no one who fails to act righteously is a child of God, nor he who does not love his brother man.
11 For this is the Message you have heard from the beginning--that we are to love one another.
12 We are not to resemble Cain, who was a child of the Evil one and killed his own brother. And why did he kill him? Because his own actions were wicked and his brother's actions righteous.
13 Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you.
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