1 Kings 8:40

40 that they dread thee in all days in which they live on the face of the land, which thou hast given to our fathers. (that they fear thee/that they revere thee all the days in which they live on this land, which thou hast given to our forefathers.)

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1 Kings 8:40 Meaning and Commentary

1 Kings 8:40

That they may fear thee
For his goodness sake in hearing their prayer, removing their affliction, and bestowing his blessings on them, particularly in forgiving their sins, see ( Psalms 130:4 ) ( Hosea 3:5 )

all the days that they live in the land which thou gavest unto our
not only for the present, while the mercy is fresh, but all the days of their lives; to which they were the more obliged by the good land they possessed as a divine gift, and which they held by the tenure of their obedience, ( Isaiah 1:19 ) .

1 Kings 8:40 In-Context

38 all cursing, and all wishing of evil, that befalleth to each man of thy people Israel, if any man knoweth the wound of his heart, and holdeth forth his hands in this house,
39 thou shalt hear in heaven, in the place of thy dwelling (then thou shalt hear in heaven, in thy dwelling place), and thou shalt do mercy, and thou shalt do that thou give to each man after all his ways, as thou seest his heart; for thou alone knowest the heart of all the sons of men,
40 that they dread thee in all days in which they live on the face of the land, which thou hast given to our fathers. (that they fear thee/that they revere thee all the days in which they live on this land, which thou hast given to our forefathers.)
41 Furthermore and when an alien, that is not of thy people Israel, cometh from a far land for thy name; (And furthermore when a foreigner, who is not of thy people Israel, cometh from a far land because of thy fame;)
42 for thy great name, and thy strong hand, and thine arm stretched out (and thy outstretched arm), shall be heard (of) everywhere; therefore when he cometh, and prayeth in this place,
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.