Acts 23:34

34 And when he had read, and asked, of what province he was, and knew that he was of Cilicia,

Acts 23:34 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 23:34

And when the governor, had read the letter
Which he doubtless opened and read as soon as he had received it, not knowing what important business might be contained in it, or of what dangerous consequence a neglect of reading it might be; this showed care and diligence in him:

he asked of what province he was;
since he perceived by the letter he was a Roman, and that he might know whether he was under his jurisdiction, and whether the hearing of his case belonged to him; and it should seem that it rather belonged to the governor of Syria; but that the crimes he was charged with were committed in Judea, particularly that of profaning the temple.

And when he understood that he was of Cilicia;
which was a Roman province, in which Tarsus was, where Paul was born free; ( Acts 21:39 ) ( 22:3 ) .

Acts 23:34 In-Context

32 And in the day following, when the horsemen were left, that [they] should go with him, they turned again to the castles.
33 And when they came to Caesarea, they took the epistle to the president, and they set also Paul before him. [Which when they came to Caesarea, and took the epistle to the president, they set before him also Paul.]
34 And when he had read, and asked, of what province he was, and knew that he was of Cilicia,
35 I shall hear thee, he said, when thine accusers [shall] come. And he commanded him to be kept in the moot hall of Herod.
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.