Acts 8:23

23 For I see that thou art in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of wickedness.

Acts 8:23 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 8:23

For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness,
&c.] Alluding to ( Deuteronomy 29:18 ) ( 32:32 ) with which compare ( Hebrews 12:15 ) and signifying, that he was in a state of nature and unregeneracy; under the power and dominion of covetousness, ambition, and hypocrisy; and in a way pernicious to himself, infectious to others, and ungrateful to God, and to good men; and that instead of the root of the matter, the truth of grace being in him, there was nothing in him but the bitter root of sin; which bore gall and wormwood, and everything that was nauseous and disagreeable:

and in the bond of iniquity;
referring to ( Proverbs 5:22 ) ( Isaiah 58:6 ) and suggesting, that he was held fast bound in the bonds of sin, and with the cords of iniquity, or was entirely under the government of his lusts: the preposition (eiv) , which we render "in", may retain here, as is by some observed, its proper sense of "for", or "into"; and have the same signification it has in ( Hebrews 1:5 ) "I will be to him for a father", or "a father", and "he shall be to me for a son", or "a son": and then the sense of Peter is, I plainly perceive and clearly see by thy words and actions, that thou art nothing else but a lump of bitter gall, and a bundle of sin and wickedness.

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Acts 8:23 In-Context

21 There is no part, nor lot to thee [Part is not to thee, neither sort], in this word, for thine heart is not rightful before God.
22 Therefore do thou penance for this wickedness of thee, and pray God, if peradventure this thought of thine heart be forgiven to thee.
23 For I see that thou art in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of wickedness.
24 And Simon answered, and said, Pray ye for me to the Lord, that nothing of these things that ye have said, come on me.
25 And they witnessed, and spake the word of the Lord, and went again to Jerusalem, and preached [and evangelized] to many countries of Samaritans.
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