and the first, or chief, of the princes and of the strong men of the king, he (should) hold his horse, leading him, and go he by the streets of the city, and cry he, and say, Thus he shall be honoured, whom the king will honour. (and then one of the king's most honoured princes, or leaders, should lead his horse through the city square, and he should cry, and say, Thus shall he be honoured/He is worthy of this honour, whom the king desireth to honour.)
And then the king said to Haman, Haste thou thee, and when the king's clothing, and his horse, is taken to thee, do thou, as thou hast spoken, to Mordecai, the Jew, that sitteth before the gates of the palace; and be thou ware, that thou leave not out, (or) undone, any thing of these (things), which thou hast now spoken. (And then the king said to Haman, Now hasten thou thee, and when the king's robes, and his horse, be brought to thee, do thou, just as thou hast spoken, for Mordecai, the Jew, who is in attendance at the royal court; and be thou ware, lest thou leave anything undone, of all these things, of which thou hast now spoken.)
And then Haman took the king's cloak and his palfrey, and he went forth, and cried before Mordecai, (who was) clothed in the king's clothing, (leading him) in the chief street of the city, and set upon his palfrey, (saying,) He is worthy (of) this honour, whomever the king will honour. (And then Haman took the king's robes and his horse, and he clothed Mordecai in the king's clothing, and put him on the king's horse; and then leading him through the city square, he cried as he went before him, He is worthy of this honour, whom the king desireth to honour.)
And after this Mordecai turned again to the gate of the palace, and Haman hasted to go into his house, mourning, and with his head covered. (And after this Mordecai returned to the royal court, and Haman hastened to go to his house, mourning, and with his head covered.)
And he told to Zeresh, his wife, and to his friends all things that had befallen to him. To whom the wise men, which he had in counsel, and his wife, answered, If Mordecai, before whom thou hast begun to fall, is of the seed of Jews, thou shalt not be able to against-stand him, but thou shalt fall in his sight. (And he told his wife Zeresh, and his friends, all the things that had befallen him. And the wise men, whom he had in counsel, and his wife, answered, If Mordecai, before whom thou hast begun to fall, is a descendant of the Jews, then thou shalt not be able to stand against him, but thou shalt utterly fall before him.)