Exodus 15:5

5 the deep waters covered them; they went down into the depth as a stone (they went down into the depths like a stone).

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Exodus 15:5 Meaning and Commentary

Exodus 15:5

The depths have covered them
The depths of the sea covered Pharaoh and his host, so as to be seen no more; and in like manner will mystical Babylon, or antichrist, be destroyed, and be no more found and seen; as likewise the sins of God's people, being cast into the depths of the sea, and covered with the blood of Christ, will be seen no more; when they are sought for, they shall not be found: they sunk into the bottom as a stone;
into the bottom of the sea, as a stone thrown into anybody of water sinks and rises not up again; this circumstance is observed by ( Nehemiah 9:11 ) their persecutors thou threwest into the deep, as a stone into the
mighty waters;
and thus a stone like a millstone being taken by an angel and cast into the sea, is made an emblem of the irrecoverable ruin and destruction of Babylon, or antichrist, ( Revelation 18:21 ) .

Exodus 15:5 In-Context

3 The Lord is a man-fighter, his name is Almighty; (The Lord is a fighter, and his name is The Almighty;)
4 he casted down into the sea the chariots of Pharaoh, and his host (he threw down Pharaoh's chariots, and his army, into the sea). His chosen princes were drowned in the Red Sea;
5 the deep waters covered them; they went down into the depth as a stone (they went down into the depths like a stone).
6 Lord, thy right hand is magnified in strength; Lord, thy right hand smote the enemy.
7 And in the multitude of thy glory, thou hast put down all thine adversaries; thou sentest thine ire, that devoured them as stubble (thou sentest out thy anger, that devoured them like stubble).
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