Galatians 6:2

2 Each bear other's charges [Bear ye the charges the tother of the tother, or each of other], and so ye shall fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2 Meaning and Commentary

Galatians 6:2

Bear ye one another's burdens
Which may be understood either of sins, which are heavy burdens to sensible sinners, to all that are partakers of the grace of God; Christ is only able to bear these burdens, so as to remove them and take them away, which he has done by his blood, sacrifice, and satisfaction; saints bear one another's, not by making satisfaction for them, which they are not able to do, nor by conniving at them, and suffering them upon them, which they should not do, but by gently reproving them, by comforting them when overpressed with guilt, by sympathizing with them in their sorrow, by praying to God for to manifest his pardoning grace to them, and by forgiving them themselves, so far as they are faults committed against them: or else the frailties and infirmities of weak saints, which are troublesome, and apt to make uneasy, are meant; and which are to be bore by the strong, by making themselves easy with them, and by accommodating themselves to their weakness, and by abridging themselves of some liberties, which otherwise might be lawfully taken by them; or afflictions may be designed, which are grievous to the flesh, and are bore by others, when they administer help and relief under them, whether in a temporal or spiritual way; and when they condole them, and sympathize with them, bear a part with them, and make others' griefs and sorrows their own:

and so fulfil the law of Christ;
which is the law of love to one another, ( John 13:34 John 13:35 ) in opposition to the law of Moses, the judaizing Galatians were so fond of, and by which Christ's disciples may be distinguished from those of Moses, or any others. This is a law or doctrine which Christ has clearly taught, and recovered from the false glosses of the Pharisees; it is his new commandment, which he has strengthened and enforced by his own example in dying for his people, and which he, by his Spirit, inscribes upon their hearts. The Jews speak of the law of the Messiah as preferable to any other.

``The law (they say F24) which a man learns in this world is vanity, in comparison of (xyvm lv wtrwt) "the law of the Messiah", or Christ;''

by "fulfilling", it is meant, doing it, acting in obedience to it, and not a perfect fulfilling it, which cannot be done by sinful creatures.


F24 Midrash Kohelet, fol. 83. 1.

Galatians 6:2 In-Context

1 Brethren, if a man be occupied in any guilt, ye that be spiritual, inform ye such one in spirit of softness, beholding thyself, lest that thou be tempted. [+Brethren, and if a man be before occupied, or overcome, in any guilt, or trespass, ye that be spiritual, teach such a manner man in the spirit of softness, or meekness, beholding thyself, that and thou be not tempted.]
2 Each bear other's charges [Bear ye the charges the tother of the tother, or each of other], and so ye shall fulfill the law of Christ.
3 For who that troweth that he be aught, when he is nought, he beguileth himself. [For why if any man guesseth himself to be aught, when he is nought, he deceiveth himself.]
4 But each man prove his own work, and so he shall have glory [only] in himself, and not in another.
5 For each man shall bear his own charge.
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.