Genesis 28:21

21 and I turn again in prosperity to the house of my father, the Lord shall be into God to me. (and I return safety to my father's house, then the Lord shall be my God.)

Genesis 28:21 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 28:21

So that I come again to my father's house in peace
In safety from Esau, and all other enemies, as God promised him he should: then the Lord shall be my God;
not as if he should not be his God if he did not do all this for him; which would savour not only of a mercenary spirit, but of great impiety; neither of which were to be found in Jacob: but the meaning is, that he should not only continue to own him as his God, and to worship him, but having fresh obligations upon him, should be stirred up more eagerly and devoutly to serve him in a very singular way and manner, and particularly by doing what is expressed in ( Genesis 28:22 ) . Some think he has respect to the Messiah, owning him to be the true God with the Father and the blessed Spirit, who had appeared to Abraham, and was the fear of Isaac, and whom Jacob now owned as his God: this receives some confirmation from the Targum of Jonathan, which begins the paragraph thus,

``if the Word of the Lord will be my help then the Lord shall be my God.''

Genesis 28:21 In-Context

19 And he called the name of that city Bethel, which was called Luz before. (And he called the name of that place Bethel; but the city that was there before was called Luz.)
20 Also Jacob avowed a vow, and said, If God is with me, and keepeth me in the way in which I go (And Jacob vowed a vow, and said, If God is with me, and keepeth me safe on the way on which I go), and giveth to me loaves to eat, and clothes to be clothed with,
21 and I turn again in prosperity to the house of my father, the Lord shall be into God to me. (and I return safety to my father's house, then the Lord shall be my God.)
22 And this stone, which I raised into a title, shall be called the house of God; and I shall offer tithes to thee of all things which thou shalt give to me. (And this stone, which I raised up as a sacred pillar, shall be called the House of God; and I shall offer a tithe, or a tenth, to thee, of all the things which thou shalt give me.)
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.