Jeremiah 33:21

21 and my covenant with David, my servant, may be voided, that of him be no son, that shall reign in his throne, and no deacons, and priests, my ministers; (then could my covenant with my servant David be made void, so that there would no longer be any of his sons, who shall reign on his throne, and no longer any priests of the Levites, who shall be my ministers;)

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Jeremiah 33:21 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 33:21

[Then] may also my covenant be broken with David my servant,
&c.] A type of the Messiah, with whom the covenant of grace is made, stands fast, and will never be broken; see ( Psalms 89:3 Psalms 89:28 Psalms 89:34 ) ; for, as the other is impossible, the breaking of the covenant with day and night, or hindering the certain rotation of them; so likewise as impossible is the breaking of the covenant with David concerning the perpetuity of his kingdom in the Messiah: that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne;
which he has in Christ, and ever will have; for he shall reign for ever and ever: and with the Levites my priests, my ministers;
of the line of Phinehas, to whom an everlasting priesthood was promised, and which has been fulfilled in Christ, who has an unchangeable priesthood; a priesthood that will never pass from him, and go to another; see ( Numbers 25:13 ) ( Hebrews 7:24 ) .

Jeremiah 33:21 In-Context

19 And the word of the Lord was made to Jeremy, and said,
20 The Lord saith these things, If my covenant with the day, and my covenant with the night, may be made void, that the day and the night be not in his time; (The Lord saith these things, Only if my covenant with the day, and my covenant with the night, could ever be made void, so that the day and the night be not at their proper time;)
21 and my covenant with David, my servant, may be voided, that of him be no son, that shall reign in his throne, and no deacons, and priests, my ministers; (then could my covenant with my servant David be made void, so that there would no longer be any of his sons, who shall reign on his throne, and no longer any priests of the Levites, who shall be my ministers;)
22 as the stars of (the) heaven(s) may not be numbered, and the gravel of the sea may not be meted, so I shall multiply the seed of David, my servant, and (the) deacons, my ministers. (for as the host of heaven cannot be numbered, and as the sands of the sea cannot be measured, so I shall multiply in number the descendants of my servant David, and my ministers, the Levites.)
23 And the word of the Lord was made to Jeremy, and said,
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.