Luke 22:38

38 And they said, Lord, lo! two swords here. And he said to them, It is enough.

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Luke 22:38 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 22:38

And they said, Lord, behold here are two swords
That is, the disciples said so, as the Persic version expresses it; for they understood Christ's words literally; and two swords being among them, and which they might bring with them from Galilee, to defend themselves from thieves, and robbers, which infested the roads between that country and Jerusalem; and one of these, as appears afterwards, belonged to Peter; they mention them with a desire of knowing they were sufficient, or whether they must provide themselves with more:

and he said unto them, it is enough;
or, "they are sufficient", as the Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions render it; which must be understood either ironically; yes, two swords, to be sure, are sufficient for eleven men, and against many and powerful enemies: or his meaning is, they were sufficient to answer his purpose, and be an emblem of what he designed by the sword: or this was a short way of speaking, suggesting their stupidity and ignorance: it is enough, it is very well, I perceive you do not understand my meaning, and I shall say no more at present.

Luke 22:38 In-Context

36 Therefore he said to them, But now he that hath a satchel, take also and a scrip; and he that hath none [and he that hath not], sell his coat, and buy a sword.
37 For I say to you, that yet it behooveth that thing [this thing] that is written to be fulfilled in me, And he is areckoned with wicked men; for those things that be of me have an end.
38 And they said, Lord, lo! two swords here. And he said to them, It is enough.
39 And he went out, and went after the custom into the hill of Olives [And he gone out, went by custom into the hill of Olives]; and the disciples followed him.
40 And when he came to the place, he said to them, Pray ye, lest ye enter into temptation.
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.