And Jesus rose up from thence, and went into the coasts [the ends] of Tyre and Sidon. And he went into an house, and would that no man knew [And he gone into an house, would that no man know]; and he might not be hid.
For a woman, at once [anon] as she heard of him, whose daughter had an unclean spirit, entered, and fell down at his feet.
And the woman was heathen, of the generation of Syrophenician. And she prayed him, that he would cast out a devil from her daughter [that he would cast out a devil of her daughter].
And he said to her, Suffer thou, that the children be fulfilled first [Suffer thou, that the sons be filled first]; for it is not good to take the bread of children, and give [it] to hounds.
And she answered, and said to him, Yes, Lord; for little whelps eat under the board, of the crumbs of children.
And Jesus said to her, Go thou, for this word the fiend went out of thy daughter. [+And he said to her, For this word go, the fiend went out of thy daughter.]
And when she was gone into her house home, she found the damsel lying on the bed [+And when she had gone home/And when she had gone into her house, she found the damsel lying on the bed], and the devil gone out from her.