Psalms 145:12

12 That they make thy power known to the sons of men (So that they make known thy power to all the people); and the glory of the magnificence of thy realm.

Psalms 145:12 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 145:12

To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts
As in ( Psalms 145:4 ) ; the acts of his power in providence and grace; in the salvation of his people, and the destruction of their enemies; which, with others, are made known in the ministry of the word, to those who were strangers to them, to those without the church, who wait at Wisdom's gates, and at the posts of her door; Aben Ezra interprets it of little ones, or children that knew them not, whose parents would make them known to them: rather it designs the common people, instructed by the word and the ministers of it: and the glorious majesty of his kingdom;
the majesty of him as King, and the glory of his kingdom, ( Psalms 145:5 Psalms 145:11 ) ; and the perpetuity of it, as follows.

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Psalms 145:12 In-Context

10 Lord, all thy works acknowledge to thee; and thy saints bless thee. (Lord, all thy creatures shall praise thee; and thy saints shall bless thee.)
11 They shall say [of] the glory of thy realm; and they shall speak (of) thy power. (They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom; and they shall tell of thy power.)
12 That they make thy power known to the sons of men (So that they make known thy power to all the people); and the glory of the magnificence of thy realm.
13 Thy realm is the realm of all worlds; and thy lordship is in all generation and into generation (Thy kingdom is a kingdom forever; and thy lordship, or thy rule, is for all generations). The Lord is faithful in all his words; and holy in all his works.
14 The Lord lifteth up all that fall down; and raiseth up all men hurtled down. (The Lord lifteth up all who fall down; and raiseth up all who be hurtled down.)
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