1 Peter 1:21

21 who through him do believe in God, who did raise out of the dead, and glory to him did give, so that your faith and hope may be in God.

1 Peter 1:21 Meaning and Commentary

1 Peter 1:21

Who by him do believe in God
Christ, as God, is the object of faith; as Mediator, he is the way to the Father, by which men come to him, believe in him and lay hold upon him, as their covenant God and Father; and is also the author of that faith by which they believe in him; and all their encouragement to believe is taken from him; and such who do come to God by Christ, and stay themselves upon him, trusting in him, may know, and comfortably conclude, that Christ, who was foreordained from all eternity to be the Redeemer of his people, was manifest in the flesh for their sakes, and to obtain eternal redemption for them, which he was sent to do, by him

that raised him up from the dead:
mention being made of his blood, as the price of redemption, ( 1 Peter 1:19 ) , supposes that he died; and lest it should be thought that he was held by the pains of death, and under the power of it, which it was impossible he should, considering the dignity of his person, as the Son of God, and the fulfilment of his engagements, as the surety of his people; his resurrection from the dead is asserted, which was not only foretold by himself, but predicted by the prophets, and was punctually accomplished; and which, as here, is usually ascribed to God the Father, though not to the exclusion of Christ himself, who had power to lay down his life, and take it up again; and which is a very great encouragement to faith in God, both with respect to justification in his sight, and acceptance with him, since Christ rose again for our justification, and with regard to a future resurrection:

and gave him glory;
by raising him from the dead, when his body became a glorious one, being raised, spiritual, powerful, and incorruptible; and by his ascension to heaven, being received up in a cloud, attended by thousands of angels, and triumphing over the powers of darkness; and by placing him at his own right hand, which is an honour never bestowed on any mere creature; and by possessing him with the gifts of the Spirit for men, and giving him all power in heaven and in earth, and authority to exercise judgment on all, and a name above every name in this, or the world to come:

that your faith and hope might be in God;
which are graces that go together, and much resemble and assist, each other; they are both the gifts of God, and have him for their object, and meet in the same persons; and are greatly encouraged by the resurrection of Christ, and the glory he now enjoys, since because he lives, those that believe in him shall live also, and appear with him in glory.

1 Peter 1:21 In-Context

19 but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and unspotted -- Christ's --
20 foreknown, indeed, before the foundation of the world, and manifested in the last times because of you,
21 who through him do believe in God, who did raise out of the dead, and glory to him did give, so that your faith and hope may be in God.
22 Your souls having purified in the obedience of the truth through the Spirit to brotherly love unfeigned, out of a pure heart one another love ye earnestly,
23 being begotten again, not out of seed corruptible, but incorruptible, through a word of God -- living and remaining -- to the age;
Young's Literal Translation is in the public domain.