2 Chronicles 17:4

4 for to the God of his father he hath sought, and in His commands he hath walked, and not according to the work of Israel.

2 Chronicles 17:4 Meaning and Commentary

2 Chronicles 17:4

But sought to the Lord God of his fathers
Prayed to him, worshipped and served him:

and walked in his commandments;
observed and kept them, moral, ceremonial, and judicial:

and not after the doings of Israel:
who worshipped the golden calves at Dan and Bethel.

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2 Chronicles 17:4 In-Context

2 and putteth a force in all the fenced cities of Judah, and putteth garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim that Asa his father had captured.
3 And Jehovah is with Jehoshaphat, for he hath walked in the first ways of David his father, and hath not sought to Baalim,
4 for to the God of his father he hath sought, and in His commands he hath walked, and not according to the work of Israel.
5 And Jehovah doth establish the kingdom in his hand, and all Judah give a present to Jehoshaphat, and he hath riches and honour in abundance,
6 and his heart is high in the ways of Jehovah, and again he hath turned aside the high places and the shrines out of Judah.
Young's Literal Translation is in the public domain.
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