Can a maid forget her ornaments
Which she has provided for her wedding day, and is then to wear, and which may be the next; such as ear rings, bracelets, and jewels, which are never out of her mind, and can scarce sleep for thinking of them, how richly she shall be adorned with them; wherefore it follows: or a bride her attire?
or, "her bindings" F15; her knots about her head or breast. The word is rendered "head bands" in ( Isaiah 3:20 ) and here, by the Septuagint version, "her stomacher"; set with sparkling precious stones; see ( Isaiah 61:10 ) , these things her heart being set upon, and priding herself with, cannot be forgotten by her, at least not long: yet, my people have forgotten me days without number;
which shows great stupidity and ingratitude; the Lord not being so much to them, from whom they had received so many favours, as the ornaments of a maid, and the attire of a bride, are to them.