Song of Solomon 1:10

10 Comely have been thy cheeks with garlands, Thy neck with chains.

Song of Solomon 1:10 Meaning and Commentary

Song of Solomon 1:10

Thy cheeks are comely with rows [of jewels]
Or "beautiful as turtledoves", as the Septuagint; or it may be rendered "with turtles", since the word "jewels" is not in the text; not with images of turtles on the bridles of the horses before mentioned, as Aben Ezra; but rather some ornaments of women having such images on them may be meant, called "turtles", or "turturellas"; they seem to me to be the same with the earrings, which being fastened to a thin plate of gold or silver, which went across the forehead, or to a ribbon bound on it, as Aben Ezra on ( Genesis 24:22 ) ; observes, hung down by the ears in rows on both sides of the cheeks, and made but one ornament; as they did when another jewel from the same plate or ribbon hung down from the forehead to the nose, called a nose jewel, ( Ezekiel 16:12 ) ; F1; and such an ornament, consisting of these several parts, Abraham's servant is said to put upon the face or cheeks of Rebekah, ( Genesis 24:47 ) ; and these may respect the gifts and graces of the Spirit of God, with which the church is ornamented; and are many and various, and are orderly and regularly disposed, and make very comely and lovely, and may be further described in the next clause; thy neck with chains [of gold];
the word "gold" not being in the text, the chains may be understood, as they commonly are by the Jewish writers, of precious stones; as pearls bored and strung, which make a necklace; so Stockius F2 interprets it of an ornament of pearls and precious stones, orderly disposed and put about the neck, in use with great personages; so the eldest daughter of Priamus had, "collo monile baccatum" F3, a pearl necklace, which Aeneas made a present of to Dido; such was the chain of gold, beset with amber, presented to Penelope by her suitors, which shone like the sun F4. The church has her golden chain, or pearl necklace; which are either the graces of the Spirit, so linked together, that where there is one there are all; and which consists of those ten links, or pearls, faith, hope, love, repentance, humility, patience, self-denial, contentment in every state, spiritual knowledge, longsuffering, or forbearance; sincerity goes through them all. Or else the spiritual blessings of the covenant of grace, with which the church and all the saints are blessed in Christ at once, and with one and all; and which golden chain of salvation, one link of which cannot be broken, is excellently described by the apostle in ( Romans 8:30 ) .


F1 Vid. Hieronym. in ibid.
F2 Clavis Ling. S. p. 387.
F3 Virgil. Aeneid. 1. v. 650.
F4 Homer. Odyss. 18. v. 295.

Song of Solomon 1:10 In-Context

8 If thou knowest not, O fair among women, Get thee forth by the traces of the flock, And feed thy kids by the shepherds' dwellings!
9 To my joyous one in chariots of Pharaoh, I have compared thee, my friend,
10 Comely have been thy cheeks with garlands, Thy neck with chains.
11 Garlands of gold we do make for thee, With studs of silver!
12 While the king [is] in his circle, My spikenard hath given its fragrance.

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Young's Literal Translation is in the public domain.